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So this is the sequel to Conflict Of Interest. So if you start reading this and you haven't read C.O.I then you won't understand all of it though you can catch on

Chapter One... A Wonderful Gift Of Life

•6 Months Later•

I laid there in bed with Dave. The house felt empty because almost everything was packed, we are moving when the baby is born. I was too close to my due date to be moving anywhere. Witness protection program accepted us, so they gave us a place to move to and an identity change for me, just my last name, until I get married. As for the baby, I was due any day. I was so excited to have this baby, but nervous as well

"Mi, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright." I said

It was true I felt fine but every now and then I would feel the baby kick. I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl because I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone including me. My stomach wasn't huge but there was a big enough bump to know I was going to have a baby. Dave rubbed my belly

"You should get some sleep Mia."

My eye lids started to get heavy. He was right, I needed some sleep. So I let myself fall asleep. His hand was still on my stomach. Hours went by but soon I was awoken by a very sharp pain in my side. I snapped up and grabbed my belly and I was covered in sweat. I started to cry, the pain was so intense and I was not sure why I have this pain

"Mia what's wrong?" Dave asked as he quickly awoke

"I don't know." I said

I tried to think of this main cause and one thing came into my mind. The baby. I placed my hands down on the bed, the surrounding area felt wet

"Turn on the light." I said to Dave

He got up very quickly and went across the room to turn on the light. He flicked the switch on and I winced at the light but soon came to so I could look at why the bed is wet. I sat up very carefully and I got up and looked at the bed. I was horrified because I didn't want to see blood. I looked at the bed and it looked like it was covered in water. Dave looked at the bed and then looked up at me

"Dave my water broke." I said

Without a dull moment he grabbed the bag that we packed, just in case this happened. Despite the pain I was in I got changed quickly and Dave helped me get into the car. He placed the bag in the back seat and he got in the drivers seat. He drove off quickly and the pain got even worse. I didn't realize that it was 4 am

"Hold in there Mi." Dave said

I nodded and I started to breath like I was taught when I took classes for this. We had to go directly into the town because that was the closest hospital around, the others were an hour or more away. After about half an hour we arrived at the hospital and Dave grabbed my bag and helped me get out. We walked towards the emergency department. We came through the doors and that's when I almost fell over, Dave took my arm to steady. The pain tripled and my knees gave out but Dave caught me. We walked towards the front desk together

"My fiancée is in labour." Dave said

A nurse came from behind the counter and grabbed me a wheelchair and brought it over to me. I carefully sat down in and and she started pushing me to the delivery room

"Woman in labour." The nurse call

The room I was taken into was a closed room. The blinds were shut and the room was empty besides an upright bed, the nurse gave me a hospital gown. She shut the door so I could have a little privacy, I'd better do this quick because the pain is getting worse and I could feel the baby moving. As soon as I placed my clothes aside nurses came into the room and a doctor too. I was helped onto the bed. Then they laid the bed down

"How long have you been in labour?" The doctor asked

"About 2 1/2 hours." I said

"How far are you?"

"Nine months." I said

They got everything ready. Dave stood there dressed in a gown over his clothes and a mask, he grabbed my hand and held it. The pain was getting worse and I knew the baby was ready to be born  

"You can do it." He said as he kissed my forehead

I nodded and I smiled. They put me on some morphine so the pain was easier to manage. They also had me on an IV

"The babies crowning, Mia we need you to push." The doctor said

I pushed and push and pushed. I'm not sure for how long I pushed but it felt like forever to me. I started to feel tired but I knew I couldn't fall asleep, not while I'm having a baby. You think that I would be wide awake but I didn't feel like it, it's actually draining. Again I pushed and pushed until I knew the baby was out. At first I didn't hear anything but the sound of my shallow breath. Was there something wrong with the baby? It wasn't crying. Was it dead?

"Cry." I whispered

Sadness took over, did I have a miscarriage? Or is the baby not alive? I couldn't look up, I couldn't even look at Dave because his face would give it away all too easily. Just as I was about to start crying, I heard a little noise then I heard a baby cry. It was my baby, it was crying. Dave walked over and cut the umbilical cord. Once I was cleaned up, and the baby was clean and was given the okay, I was given the baby to hold. It was wrapped in a pink blanket. As soon as the baby was in my arms the nurse said

"Congratulations, it's a baby girl."

I smiled and moved the blanket away from her face. She was absolutely beautiful, and I couldn't let her go. I looked at her eyes, they are blue. Blue! This gave me a sense of happiness, she is Dave's baby. She is mine. She is ours. I give life to her and she is now mine, she is healthy. Dave kissed my cheek

"She's gorges, just like her mother. Can I hold her?" Dave asked

I slowly handed her over to Dave. I was so careful with her, it was like she was a china doll that I don't want to break and truly she is. She is so fragile that she could break just like that. Once she was in Dave's arm she was okay, I let a small breath of relief out. He cradled her so gently and I could see a gleam in his eye, that gleam shows that he has an attachment to her

"Mia she's perfect." He said as he rocked her

"What will her name be?" I asked

"I like Aurora Rose Crumby." Dave said

That was the same name we talked about the night he asked me to marry him. He picked Aurora because it's unique, Rose because it was my moms middle name and mine, and Crumby because we will all be under that last name. A nurse came in with the birth certificate

"Have you named her?" She asked

"Yes." We answered

"What will her name be?"

"Aurora Rose Crumby." Dave said

The nurse nodded and wrote it down, we signed as her birth parents. She took the sheet after and she left again and were left alone. Dave handed her back to me and I cradled her. Her eyes were closed and she looked at peace. I kissed her forehead. Dave took a chair and sat beside me. I held her close to him and we just watched her as she hardly moved in my arms. At this moment everything was perfect

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