Chapter 17: Facing A Strange Yet Familiar Town

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Chapter 17... Facing A Strange Yet Familiar Town

The next morning I woke up I'm not sure what time it was. I didn't sleep much because of my jumbled mind, the bright sun shined into the room. I laid in the bed, I turned over to see that John was still sleeping. I got up and slipped on my clothes, I quietly opened the door and shut it. I tiptoed in the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen. Once I was there I seen my auntie Mel cooking food

"Good morning Aurora." She said

I was shocked. She never turned around to face me, how did she know I was here

"Good morning auntie."

"Take a seat." She said

I walked further into the kitchen and pulled out a chair

"How did you know I was up?" I asked

"I heard you." She said

"I thought I was quiet." I said

"I've got good hearing." She said as she chuckled

She went back to cooking food. Once she was done she pulled out plates and placed them down. She took one plate and placed food on it, then she set it down to grab the next plate to fill it up with food and she set that one down too. She grabbed 2 forks and placed them on the plates, then took them both and placed them on the table, one in front of me and one across from me which is where she sat

"Aurora I know you think that being here is going to tell you who you are."

"We all know who you are." She added

"It's odd auntie. Everyone knows who I am, but me." I said

I didn't look up at her but I just looked down played with my food. She went to say something but we both heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Soon John entered the room as he smiled at me. He came over to me and gave me a sleepy hug and a kiss on the forehead

"Good morning honey." He said

"Good morning John." I said as I smiled

He sat down between my auntie and I. She got up to fix a plate of food for John, she brought it over to him and he smiled

"Thank you." He said

"You're welcome." She said

We ate our food and not another word was said between all of us. My auntie made us tea and coffee again. She brought us our cups and sat down again

"So what are you guys going to do today?" She asked

"We were going to tour the town, then go home." I said

"That's right I must call your mother."

"No." I groaned

"Aurora she is probably worried sick about you."

"I told her where I was going." I said

Okay I was lying again

"You're lying again. Yesterday you told me she didn't know where you are. Don't lie to me young lady." She said

She was very stern with me. She even gave me the stern finger gesture. I sighed

"Okay call her when I leave, I know I'll get it when I get home." I said

"You shouldn't run off like that anyways." She said

"I'm 18." I said

"Yes I know you are but Aurora you are still young." She said

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