Chapter One: The New Neighbours.

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A/N Ok first chapter so excited ahhhh i hope you like it might have slow updates but i usually update at night time when i have the chance. Enjoy <3

Savannah POV: Hope and I were in my room eating food like always,  Fangirling over Magcon. All of a sudden we heard something really loud it sounded like a big truck we looked out the window and it was the new neighbours.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." I told Hope as I walked out of my bedroom door and down the stairs. I opened the front door stepping out into the fresh summer air.  'While I'm out here I might as well welcome the neighbours to the neighbourhood' I thought. I walked over to their house where I saw a tall brown haired boy with beautiful brown eyes 'oh gosh was that? No, it can't be' I was snapped out of my thoughts when the boy looked at me.

"Hi i'm Cameron the new neighbour" oh god it is him.
"h-hi I'm Savannah" I smiled at him
"beautiful name" He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Thanks" I said nervously , He looked at me and just simply said "no problem".

I panicked at the awkward silence and quickly said "So I just wanted to come over and say welcome to the neighbourhood.'' He smiled.
"thanks do wanna meet the other guys?" I awkwardly nodded and he led me toward the door.

With that he chuckled a little. Cameron and I walked into the empty house with boxes every where, it kind of reminded me from when I first moved in


"Ok now pick a room" my Mom's soft voice cooed as I ran into a big room with giant windows, two closets and a bathroom. The wall were a light shade of pink and the floor was a rustic grey.
"I love it!" I say jumping up and down. My mom smiles at me 
 "keep it" she said as I jump up and down in excitement "YAY!" .

          **END OF FLASHBACK**

"Are you ok?" a boy with light brown hair and some more beautiful brown eyes asked me with a light chuckle.

"Oh I'm fine'' he laughed softly "I'm Matt'' he said as he opened his arms I didn't hesitate to walk over into his tight grip. We hugged for a little until we heard an awkward cough we let go of each other.

I looked down awkwardly he was very attractive. Behind him were three other guys, one had dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

"I'm Nash'' he extended his arm offering his hand to me I extended mine as well  gently locking his hand with shaking it a little "Savannah" I smiled.

Behind him stood two more guys the one with light brown hair and  brown eyes he extended his arm, I shook his hand as well. 
"I'm Taylor'' He said with a low voice. I smiled 
"I'm S-'' I said before being interrupted 
''Savannah i know you told the other guys'' he winked and I couldn't help but blush then laugh. Then there was one guy left, I knew him for somewhere he is the Hope likes. 
"you're Shawn right?" I said beaming with joy knowing how excited hope would be to meet him. "yeah, how did you know?" He said awkwardly
 "My best friend is like obsessed with you!" i laughed but played it cool
''awesome'' He said sort of awkwardly.
suddenly my face dropped.
"uh oh" I mumbled looking towards my house
"what's wrong" Shawn says forwarding his eye brows
 "I forgot about Hope" they looked at me confused.

'Oh my gosh Hope'I thought before running back to my house. I burst through the door yelling up the stairs.
"Hope get down here i want you to meet the neighbours!! you will never believe who it is'' I say a little too excited. "what?" she said as she was coming down the stairs. I grabbed her arm and dragged her outside, across the lawn to the neighbours house she stopped in her tracks as she saw Shawn. Her face went pale.
"are you ok?" Shawn asked walking over to Hope she nodded her head. I butted in introducing them to each other "Shawn this is Hope she the best friend i told you about"
"ohhh" he said letting out a small chuckle. They starred at each other in a daze .
"Welp I will leave you two alone then." I say slowly backing away. They nodded their heads. I turned on my heel swiftly returning back to the other boys who I cannot believe are actually my new neighbours.

~ Nash's POV:
Savannah.. her name is beautiful, she's beautiful. Her lushes, long brown sat wavy on her back  She didn't wear makeup, she was all natural. I love that in a girl, wow she is so beautiful
"Haha are you ok?'' she gently shook me. Her touch felt like butterflies kissing me. I was crazy "oh i'm fine i was just thinking'' I say .
"about?" She asked looking a little puzzled at my answer.
"a girl named Savannah" I winked trying to be cool.

She blushed joking hitting my arm. "So what are you guys up to?" of course Matt had to interrupt  us.  "Nothing. What do you guys wanna do? moving looks boring." she said giving us a small smirk
 "you guys wanna play truth or dare at my house?" She suggested. We all agreed on the idea. We all made our way to Savannah's house walking inside the beautifully built house we all decided to sit on her couch.

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