A/N hey i know i havent updated in a while but yeah i got laptop like maybe a week ago not even but yeah READ!! :)).
Savannah's POV: I got up out of bed a week after i turned 17 :) Matt spennd that week with the guys but we are going to hang out today just us two.I stood up and walked into my bathroom and staired at myseld i just stood there string at my flaws and asked about 1 millon and 1 questions.
- How do i have friends?
-How does anyone like me?
- How do i have a boyfriend as great boyfriends like Matt?
-Why am i so ugly?.I stoped looking at myself because i was sick of seeing my own face i strpped my clouths off and steped into the shower.
.I washed my body then shampooed my hair and but the condioner in and shaved then rinsed my hair and stepped out of the shower.i brushed my hair and teeth and wrapped a towel around my bare body and walked into my very cold room.
I walked to my dresser and put on my black leggings with a black tank top and pulled my red flannel over top and my red Nashty beanie and my red Vans.
i went back into the washroom and straightendmy hair and put white eye shadow on my eye lids and mascra then my EOS lip balm and some pinkish lip gloss.I heard my door bell ring
. ''I'll get it Meagan!!'' i yelled because my parents are obestly not here.i grabbed my phone and decied to take my beanie off and opened the door.
''Hey Matt'' i said and hugged him ''Hey i missed you'' he said as he grabbed my hand ''where do you wanna go love?'' he asked as we got in the car ''can we go to Starbucks?'' i asked ''of course'' he said and smiled.We arrived at Starbucks and we got in line.
'Hi how may i help you?'' the girl with blonde hair and blues with dimples asked us ''Hi yes can we get two mocha cookie crumbles with extra whipped cramble please?'
'(Tyanahhhhhh lol sorry) Matt said and i pulled out my wallet but Matt stopped me ''its fine i got it'' he said and i smiled and said ''Thank you'' he nodded and we grabbed our drinks and sat down.''so Savannah can i ask you somthing?'' he asked a little nervous ''yes of course''
i reaserd him ''umm i was wonder if you wanna to go to this event me and the guys are going to?'' ''yes of course i would love to'' i said smiling.
Nash's POV:Me and the guys were all packing for Magcon i just dont get that Michelle can't come her mom said no so i guess i will be alone and what Chloe and Hayes broke up and they are both going but i hope Hayes finds somone else but yeah every one is coming even Meagan
i told the guys that i was ready and Matt left to go get Savannah. to be hounest im kind of jelous of Matt i kind of still like Savannah but now i have Michelle kind of.
Matt and Savannah came back and we all piled into the car to drive to the air port we were all talked amusts our selfs and a group of fans walked up to me.
''Hey Nash can we get a picture'' the really short one asked and obestly i said yes.After i took the picture with the last girl of flight was called. We got in the plane and i was sitting with Hayes Cam and Meagan.i put my ear buds in and fell asleep.
Savannah'sPOV: We go to the hotel Matt and i were shareing and room.i was so exsided to see all the fans today it was now 10:00 am and Magcon starts at 2:00 pmso we have some time before the event.We unpacked and we still had like to hours left so we all decided to go to the pool.
I grabbed my torquoise bikini and went into the washroom to change.i walked out of the washroom and Matt was staring at me
''Why are you staring at me?'' i asked confused and a little creeped out ''sorry you are just so beautiful'' he said blushing ''ahah your funny no im not lets go''
i said walking out of the room ''yes you are Savannah please dont say that about your self''' he said wrapping his arm around me as we walked to the pool.I jumped straight in and evryone jumped after me.''Lets play Chicken''Nash yelled
''Savannah and i agnsted Nash and Taylor'' Matt said as i was climing onto Matts shoulders and Nash got on Taylors shoulders.I finally pushed Nash off and then i jumped off Matts shoulders.
''im going back to the room i feel sick but you guys can get changd and leave for your event that is very soon'' i said getting out of the pool ''ok see you in like two hours babe''
Matt said he said as i was walkeing away.I got into the room and shower then change and snuggled to the covers on the bed and fell straigh to sleep.

Why me? {M.E} (Editing)
FanfictionHi This book is about a 16 year old girl name Savannah. She is an amazing girl, an amazing girl with a dream...a dream to meet the Magcon boys. She can't decide between four of them Nash, Cameron, Mathew or Taylor. One day she is home alone with her...