Savannah's POV:
We all sat in my living room talking amongst ourselves I was sitting next to hope texting my mom to let her know I had the neighbours over.
"You wanna come?'' Matt asked me as I sent the text to my mom
"oh what?" I said putting my phone down and looking over to him as he was sitting on the other side of me.
"I'm going to get food but we have to get to take the bus is that ok?" He asked sitting up in the couch. "yeah let's go" I smiled. We left the house and walked to the bus stop down the street and waited for the bus.We got onto the bus, we sat next to each other at the back of the bus. I was visibly nervous to be alone with him. The bus started on its route. He noticed my nervousness and grabbed my hand "So, how old are you?" He asked trying to make conversation. My tummy flutters as I look down at our now intertwined fingers
"I'm sixteen how about you?" I asked looking at him "same" He said giving me a small nod
"cool" I say still looking at him I was about to ask a question but i heard a really loud screech and I blacked out.Matt's POV:
I woke up on my side and on top of Savannah. What the hell happened? I quickly got off of Savannah finding myself standing on the bus window. Then it hit me, we crashed!I looked at Savannah laying on the ground and felt myself become enraged. I walked over to the back window of the bus and kick the glass window until it shattered. I ran back over to Savannah and threw her over my shoulder, all I could think about was getting her to the hospital. I reached into my pocket swiftly pulling out my phone. I dial nine-one-one and they arrived to get everyone out of the bus. I walked to the hospital a few blocks away carrying Savannah bridal style. Luckily the hospital was so close.
Cameron's POV:
I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket I pull it out and read Matt's name on the phone. I answer hearing the most gut renching news about Savannah being in the hospital. I told the Hope and the boys what happened. We rushed out of the house and all piled into my car. I drove us all to the Hospital.we rush into the hospital and down the hallway, there Matt was pacing back a forth, his eye puffy and blood all over his clothes. "So what wrong with her again'' Hope asked scared
"S-shes in a coma..." Matt said shuttering. The doctor came out and gave us the go ahead to go into Savannah's room.We all walked into her room stunned. I was so sad seeing her like that she had at least five or six stitches going across her forehead and on her arm. Her lips we dried and her skin was pale as ever. My stomach sank as I walked closer.
Savannah's POV:
All I could see was darkness. I couldn't lift my eye lids I heard sobs, really familiar sobs from Hope. 'Oh my gosh were am I, am I dead? no i can't be' I thought to myself. I try so hard to open my eyes and they finally flutter open and everyone ran to me there was Hope, Cameron, Nash, Taylor, Shawn and another guy that hugged me
"I'm so glad you're awake" He said with a grin on his face.
"uhm... do I know you??" I asked confused. His smile faded quickly, he had light brown hair with really pretty brown eyes"You don't remember me?" He asked concerned. "It's okay man she will remember eventually Nash said patting his back. He backed away from me and walked out of the room. "whats his name?" I asked so confused and a bit sad. "Matt." Cameron said looking at the floor in disappointment.

Why me? {M.E} (Editing)
Hayran KurguHi This book is about a 16 year old girl name Savannah. She is an amazing girl, an amazing girl with a dream...a dream to meet the Magcon boys. She can't decide between four of them Nash, Cameron, Mathew or Taylor. One day she is home alone with her...