Chapter 15: 18th Birthday

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I'm sorry it couldn't be on his birthday exactly .-. Sexual content!
Eren's Perspective...

The whole plane ride, my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I had never been on a plane, and the flight was too long for my liking. I hate it, but I still dealt with the torture I was going through, just because Levi was right next to me through the whole thing. The whole plane ride, we talked and had fun, but he could still tell that I was nervous and scared.

"Eren...we could have not got on a plane but a train, you know..." Levi said, looking at me with a concerned look. I was breathing heavily when it was the first hour.

"I'm fine,'s just my first time being on a plane...that's all that is wrong..." I nodded and smiled a weak smile. "It'll pass, I know, my heart is still a bit weak since it's not used to being on a plane and high in the air. There are many reason to why I am feeling like this and such, and maybe might be the reason why I am breathing heavily..."

"Gosh Eren, you didn't have to say so much to me! I understand, okay?" Levi smiled. "And if you need anything, I'll call the flight attendant to come here and help you out. I don't want anything happening to you while we are up here, you know...I care too much about you, and I don't want to lose you just like how I nearly lost you...twice."

"I know, I know Levi...I promise I will tell you, okay?" I smiled to reassure him. "And you won't lose me, okay? Please don't think like that anymore. I hate it when you think like that..."

"I know...I can't really help it sometimes when I think about losing you for a stupid mistake that I will make again one day...I just don't want that to happen, and I feel like it will again one day...I just can't live with myself if I let that happen..."

I hugged Levi and then kissed his cheek, smiling, "I told you, it won't happen, and I won't let it happen. If you were to leave me, I don't think I'll allow that and I'll probably trap you somewhere in the house."

The rest of the plane ride, Levi and I talked as I thought about many things. I would mess up my words because my mind was somewhere else, thinking of something else. I was turning eighteen, and I really didn't know what would happen. I was also going to officially be an adult, and it always seemed so scary for me. Yes, I was basically one right now, but I was one step closer till I'm not a teenager. My birthday seemed so far away, but it really wasn't. It was only a week.

"'Levi, this is amazing!' I yelled in amazement, taking in all of the room. We entered the beach house, and it was huge! I was astonished; AMAZED! I had never been in such a place like this before. 'There are so many rooms...'"

"Best explanation Eren. Try again."

"I hate you Mikasa. My reaction when I saw the beach house...I was amazed at how big the place was. There are I think seven rooms in this house, and exactly what I saw in a picture once. My family was in front of it as's weird though. This looks exactly like it, and I don't know why it does...haha. Anyways, I wasn't not expecting to come to a place like this. This...this is honestly the best gift ever, Levi," I smiled softly, hugging Levi.

"Well, we are going to be staying at my friends place near by. Your birthday is in a few days, so we are going to go by some stuff in a town nearby. Five days, right?" Armin asked, smiling softly at Eren.

"Yeah, the thirtieth. Guess you guys should leave now..." I stood up and so did Levi.

"Yeah, we'll see you guys tomorrow then! Oh and Eren, I really am sorry for the hard times we've had...truce?" Jean took out his hand and I grabbed it, shaking it.

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