Chapter 20: Happy New Year!

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Chapter 20! Didn't think I would make it this far. XD


I can't believe I have 9K for this story. Although I barely see views, I don't care! I love writing, and I always will~

So here's chapter twenty~!


Eren's Perspective...

Snow...snow is absolutely wonderful. The coldness that makes the warmth go away, but that you love so much you want to keep. Snow brings people together, and makes them all happy and in the spirt...

I've always loved the snow, even though I've hated it a lot as well...I usually wouldn't be able to go out in the snow, always envying the people who could, but that was because of my heart. That stupid disease that I had gotten rid of with heart surgery. I was glad...

The first time I got to /really/ play in the snow was that time at the airport...I remember that time like it was just yesterday. It was nearly a year ago though...still; a year ago doesn't matter. I could still remember that day and all sorts of couples that were at that airport, celebrating. That day still makes me want to cry tears of joy...

It was New Years Eve coming up, and there was a big party being held with everyone invited. It was also a celebration on Levi and I's engagement, since people have known about me...I was the talk of towns after I was hit by a car. Levi was also known as my boyfriend, even though we really weren't on right terms at the time...still, we kind of were, but just was going through a rough patch.

New Years was going to be the night I think Levi and I were going to have sex...the first time in months. I wanted him and I to have sex for awhile now. I missed the feeling.

But I was surely going to top him, that's the thing. I had found out Levi's secret of wanting to bottom when I heard him talking about our sex life with Erwin. Their relationship is just...strange and forward. I didn't mind though...I really couldn't do anything right now, still going through physical therapy, since I had collapsed--well my legs--when I had proposed to Levi. Now I'm in my wheel chair again for a little bit, but it's fine...My legs weren't functioning that great back then.

My legs surely will have to work on that day, so I've been doing a whole lot if physical therapy to make sure of it. My thoughts and my body told me that there was not going to be me just lying there while Levi went at it. Damn it...I'm a sexually frustrated teenager with barely-functioning legs! This was awful. What made things worse was that it was snowing and I couldn't even go out when it was...Still loved watching the snow fall down from the sky, making the ground look like a beautiful color of white. I was dying to act like a little kid and go out there...

When I finally could, it was New Years Eve, the afternoon of New Years Eve...Everyone was getting the house ready for the big party-the house was pretty big itself so this wasn't going to be a problem-and I was stuck doing physical therapy...Levi was watching me as I tried moving my legs apart with a band around them, spreading them as wide as I could before bringing them back. It was painful, my face bright red from frustration, my breathing heavier than before and my face full of the expression that I was in pain...But why was Levi staring at me? It confused me...But I kept doing this, the pain finally going away, but this was still a lot of work for me.

"Eren..." Levi muttered, walking over to where I was sitting, resting a hand on my shoulder. "You're working yourself too hard..." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my body, which made my heart flutter.

"S-Shut up," my voice came out quiet. "I-I'm working myself so I can go outside and play in the snow...and...and..."

"Then let's try making you walk on your own this time...The doctor did say that this wasn't permanent and that you should be able to walk around this time...Did the pain go away?" Levi asked, running his fingers through my hair, slowly, his breathing mingling with mine.

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