Part Two

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Legolas bounded up to the immense and elaborately adorned gates which the guards opened without hesitation, and sprung through, ignoring the questioning glances he received, and continuing his hasty march down the long, winding corridors that branched off into different sections of the palace. The first place he thought to go was the Throne Room; to his father.

He hurried down the twisted pathways, climbing up steep, dimly-lit staircases filled with hollowing echoes and finally reached his desired location.

"Father!" Legolas cried as he slammed open the doors to the throne room and entered without preamble. The woman hung limply from his arms.

The magnificent Throne, adorned with golden patterns, was set upon a high dais in one corner of the room. King Thranduil was draped along the seat, his chin held high as an air of authority and power radiated off him. He sent a curious gaze in Legolas' direction, undisturbed by his grand entrance. But as soon as he laid sight on the girl in his son's arms, his eyes lit up in recognition and he quickly took an interest to the matter.

The woman looked somewhat familiar as he studied her intensely with hard, piercing eyes, but the King could not quite place his finger on where he had seen her.

Thranduil pushed the thought away and gestured for Legolas to proceed.

"She is injured! She required medical help immediately!"

His father nodded in understanding and hastily ordered some guards to take her to the infirmary, where she would be treated without hesitation, for it was what his son desired. An elf clad in mottled green uniform stepped forward and took the girl from Legolas' outstretched hands, carrying her out of the hall.

Legolas sighed with relief, and began a brief discussion with the King.

"Tell me, Ionneg. What happened?" Thranduil ordered, his voice booming around the room. Legolas nodded and placed himself upon the dais, next to his father.

He explained all there was to tell, from the time he set off through Mirkwood, to when he found the woman and returned to the palace.

The King nodded thoughtfully, his eyes distant, but no less cold as he fixed his gaze upon the towering pillar supporting the room.

"Thank you, Legolas. You are dismissed," Thranduil said with a stern nod. "You may continue the hunt. But, take two guards with you."

Legolas nodded, and left his father to his own thoughts as he went to comply with the King's wishes.

He choose two random elves dressed in mottled armour, and returned to the forest to resume the hunt. But as he was bounding through the trees with incredible speed and agility, his thoughts kept flashing back to the young woman whom he had saved. Who was she? There was no mistaking the look of recognition in his father's eyes when he saw the girl. What was she doing here? Who had attacked her? And how had she escaped?

Legolas pushed the thoughts away, focusing on the task at hand, hoping to find the answers when he returned.


A/N: Sorry it's so short! I hope it's okay :)
Please tell me what you think guys!
I'll update later tonight or maybe tomorrow if I get the chance!

Please COMMENT and VOTE!
~ _imagine_fantasy_

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