Part Seven

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Upon reaching the gates to the palace of Mirkwood, Legolas and his companions glided past the guards and into the long, winding corridors that established the first level of the building. He thanked the fellow elves accordingly one last time, before seeing them off to their duties and strolling casually towards the throne room, his lips tugged into a triumphant grin; he was in somewhat of an untroubled mood, and was eager to find if the woman was okay.

As he bounded into the colossal chamber, Thranduil noticed his son's arrival and stirred from his trance. But Legolas' smile soon slipped from his face as he met his father's fierce gaze. Thranduil's eyes were lit up in fury, and he suddenly rose from his seat, towering high over his son.

"Father, what-"

He glared at his son so menacingly, Legolas abruptly cut off and shied away from his father, wondering what on Middle-Earth he had done to receive such treatment.

Legolas averted his gaze, unable to keep it held any longer. He didn't know what to do; he had coped with his father's harsh stares before, but never like this.

"Please, father," he whispered, his head bowed, and Thranduil's shoulders immediately relaxed from their tensed up state. He let out a long sigh, sitting back down, before speaking.

"That woman," he began calmly, making Legolas recoil in surprise. The woman?! That's what this was about? "She... She is a murderer. You have brought a murderer into our midst."

Legolas choked in surprise, staring at his father in utter shock. But the shock soon passed into disappointment, and he shook his head vigorously, almost trying to reassure himself it wasn't true. How could such a beautiful woman cause so much danger and grief?

"I don't understand..." Legolas muttered. "How could she... She can't be..."

Thranduil's face abruptly contorted in fury once more and he leaped from his throne. "Don't you understand!?" He hissed. "She has killed one of our kind! Killed one of my best soldiers. And inflicted a grave injury upon another."

Legolas still couldn't believe it. "Father. No!" He protested, ignoring the warning in his father's gaze. "If we just let her speak! She may have a good reason-"

"No! I will not allow it!" Thranduil concluded, letting himself fall back into his golden-adorned throne. He continued in a mere whisper, letting the anger seep out of him. "She is a killer, and she will be punished. Punished by death."

Legolas' anger snapped at that point, flaring inside him like a wildfire. He could not let that happen! But then something occurred to him. What about her wound? He was seething with rage; his father would not be so cruel as to let her bleed to death. Would he? But then he let the anger go; it would not get him anywhere.

"Father. No. You can't. I beg you..." He pleaded. The sudden onrush of emotions made him dizzy and he sank to his knees before the dais. He didn't know whether the woman was a true murderer or not, but she had to be given a chance.

"It has already been decided. Now. Legolas. Please go to your room." He closed his eyes, sinking wearily in his seat.

Legolas scoffed, raising his head. "What?! So you're just going to let her bleed to death?"

Thranduil's eyes fluttered open, and his gaze bored into his son's. "You think me that cruel?" He said bitterly, his eyes not wavering as they held Legolas' in a cold embrace. Legolas gave an indifferent shrug, challenging the King, who suddenly let out a hoarse laugh, and Legolas winced briefly as it echoed around the room in a hollowing reflection. "No. Her wound shall be healed. She will be given a fair and just death. Though quite unlike the one she brought upon my soldier."

And with a final wave of his hand, he dismissed his son from the hall, who left in sullen silence, not sure what to think or feel as he dragged himself to his chambers. He couldn't let her die without acquiring an explanation from her. No. He had to allow her to talk.

With these thoughts plaguing his mind, he trudged into his chambers and let himself slump onto his cot, his shoulders hunched and his expression thoughtful. Perhaps he ought to do something... now. Before it was too late. He sank into the light sheets, resting his head on the bouncy pillow and staring intensely at the white walls of his room, still thinking on what he should do. Maybe he should go and visit her. Try and shed some light into the situation and prise the truth for his father to see. He knew she didn't kill out of bloody please; no, it was something else. And he needed to find out.

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed and bouncing lightly off it, he exited his chambers and began sauntering silently down the corridor, keeping a watchful eye out for any guards whom might question his goings.

When he finally reached the dungeons, he encoutnered his first obstacle. Tathar, the guard who had accompanied him to the nest of spiders. A brave soldier he had proven himself to be.

"Nîn Ernil," (My Prince) He greeted, with a dignified bow. "What can I do for you?" Tathar raised an eyebrow in questioning.

"I believe a woman was brought to the gador. I need to speak with her." (dungeon)

Tathar frowned but allowed him to pass, and Legolas continued down to the cells, in which the woman was the only prisoner.


A/N: Oh, man! What's going to happen now, you wonder? Well. I suppose you'll have to wait and see...

Hehe ;)

I don't know if my Elvish is correct, I haven't learned it yet so I had to get translations off a website, and I'm not sure if they are right. If they are not, please inform me and tell me the correct translation, if you can :)

Anyway. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it! I hope you're enjoying it so far...

I'll try and update when I can! Probably later tonight, because it's Friday! Yup. Thank Gandalf it's Friday!! :) Aha. Yeah...

Please COMMENT and VOTE!
~ _imagine_fantasy_

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