Part Three

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The young woman suddenly awoke from her sleep, regaining consciousness as she blinked rapidly in the blinding glare of the Sun. Black spots suddenly began flashing before her eyes, and she let the moment of dizziness past before propping herself up on her elbows. Her clouded gaze scanned the length of the room, taking in the whitewashed walls, tinted with a golden glare and the orderly spaced, simple furnishings; a small wardrobe and chest of draws, a basin of water upon a small table and a low cot on which she was now laying. Nothing too fancy, yet it was a pretty room.

The woman held her hand to her forehead, trying to block out the brilliance of the Sun as it's last rays disappeared behind the trees, along with the pale disk. She must have been out of consciousness for the whole day. That answered one question, but then another struck her hard in the chest, making her heart jump to her throat. Where on Middle-Earth was she? The last image she held clear in her mind was the handsome elf pointing a bow at her forehead, then all had faded into darkness.

As the last light of day slipped out of sight, the room was thrust into a sullen darkness, and the woman felt a dull throb return to her right shoulder; where that goddamn spider had struck her with it's spindly legs. She was lucky to have escaped. Casting her mind back to her previous ordeals, a sudden wave of drowsiness overcame her and she felt herself slipping out of consciousness. The last thing she spoke before drifting into the clutches of her mind came out in a whisper.

"Forgive me, brother."


"We need to go!" I screamed, clutching my brother's sleeve and pulling him away from the burning village; blood-soaked bodies and burned corpses littered the ground everywhere, their bodies marked by hideous wounds. Tears threatened to spill, but I held them back and threw my gaze away from the remains of my home. "Let's go," I whispered, my grip on my brother's sleeve tightening in anger.

My brother faced me, his eyes bloodshot and red-rimmed from crying, his face caked with the blood of our friends... our family.

"Let's get out of here," He agreed, allowing himself to be dragged along. I took his hand and we both ran away from the smouldering village. A thick blanket of smoke clogged the air around us, and I was struggling to breathe as the mist choked my lungs and sent me into a fit of coughing. I pushed my brother along, holding my hands to my mouth as we dived out of the haze.

We landed on the grass with a thump, coughing violently as we struggled to stand. My brother got up first and tugged at my sleeve.

"Go! Run!" I screamed, my legs trembling as I forced myself to stand. "I'll be right behind you!"

My brother obeyed and began bounding away from me, the tall blades of grass swaying in the gentle wind, before getting trampled to the ground by his heavy boots. I calmed my breathing and starting sprinting after him, racing through the plains like I was being chased by a pack of starving wargs. The surroundings flew by me in a blur, and before I knew it I was in a forest, surrounded by trees that formed an impenetrable barrier, enveloped by a crown of foliage. I suddenly stopped in my tracks, taking in the serene beauty of the forest.

But I was snapped out of my awe-filled trance as I heard my brother yell my name.

"Taryn! Taryn, where are you?!" His tone was distressed and scared; that much was obvious. I snapped back to reality and began running through the trees again, delving deeper into the darkening gloom until I caught sight of my brother's familiar clothing. Relief flooded through me like a wave as his face appeared through the trees, his eyes wide with terror.

"Don't worry. I'm here now!" I said in a soothing voice. He looked so young, standing there with his face caked with blood; too young; eleven years old, only twelve years younger than me. That was not an age to face such horrors.

I took him in my arms and we both fell to the ground, silent sobs wracking his body. I began rocking him back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Until the crying ceased and he closed his eyes, letting his body fall back into my arms. I cradled him like a baby, whispering comforting words in his ear until he drifted into a soft slumber.

"Everything's going to be okay."


A/N: Again. Sorry for the small parts. I will try and make them bigger in the future. I will!
So what'd you think? I'd appreciate any comments.
I'm going out now so I'll update later today!

Please COMMENT and VOTE!
~ _imagine_fantasy_

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