Part Thirty-Two

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Taryn bolted from her bed as soon as the first rays of light approached from the horizon. She had gotten little sleep that night, with her mind churning with thoughts of Legolas. But still she would not miss the opportunity to wish him well on his final depature.

Hastily pulling on a pair of dark green breeches and slipping into a white, lacey shirt, she darted over to the door, about to fling open the handle, when she realised her boots were still sitting on the other side of the room, glaring at her inocenntly. She growled in frustration and dragged them on, tying up the laces with rough precision, brushed a comb through her hair and sprinted out of the door.

She could already hear the clamour of elves below as they assisted Legolas and Tathar in preparing their packs. Taryn darted into the courtyard, breathing heavily, to whitness Legolas just about to mount his horse.

"Wait!" She called, receiving odd looks from the surrounding elves. Legolas visibly huffed with relief, his eyes sparkling as he approached her.

"I thought you'd never come," he teased, grinning.

As soon as she reached him she pulled him into a genuine embrace, her slender arms wrapping round his neck.

"I'm going to miss you," she whispered into his ear, trying hard not to let her emotions show in her voice.

"I know. I'm going to miss you, too. But at least it's better than being a prisoner in my father's dungeon."

She nodded against his neck and pulled away, her eyes stinging with tears. Locking gaze with his, she gingerly leaned in and pecked him on the lips. "Have a safe journey."

Just as Legolas turned to leave, she lightly caught hold of his arm. Regaining his attention, she slid the locket from around her neck and allowed it to coil round Legolas' hand. "Please, keep it safe and remember your promise."

He smiled affectionately and she allowed him to return to his horse.

Her heart was drowning with longing, but there was nothing much she could do but sit by and wait for his return. As Legolas was mounting up, Tathar rose his own steed to Taryn's side, the elf holding a genuine smile.

"Taryn. Before we leave, I'd just like to apologise for all the doubt and suspicion placed on you these past events. I was obviously too quick to judge."

Taryn waved away the apology. "Anyone would have suspected me; even I would have. There's no need for apologies; you were doing your job, and rightfully so."

He nodded and rode back to Legolas' side. The Prince shot her one more glance before riding away into the trees, his blonde hair billowing gracefully behind him. She stared into the trees for some time, until Elrond stalked over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"He will return for you, Taryn. It is obvious he deeply cares for you."

She remained silent, her thoughts churning in her head. She dipped a bow and returned to her room in a solemn silence, her movements seeming sluggish. Perhaps she needed to rest.

Flopping onto the neatly laid blankets, she curled up and fell asleep.


A/N: Sorry this was so short, it was just a quick filler. There's only about three more parts until I've finished this story, so I'll try and write as much as I can this week.

Again, sorry it's short.
I'll try and update tomorrow or something!

~ _imagine_fantasy_

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