Part Eighteen

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"Prince Legolas?" There was a resounding knock on the door, followed by an agitated voice calling out loudly. Legolas groaned and rolled off his bed, where he was resting. "Prince Legolas, are you-"

"Yes. Come in." The door was pushed open gently, admitting a young elf clad in a blue tunic. He took a step forward, bowed respectively before the Prince and looked at him with flustered cheeks.

"My Prince. King Thranduil requests your presence in the throne room."

Legolas sighed and nodded, dismissing the messenger. He began to turn away, hesitantly, but glanced behind him with confusion. Legolas merely stood and watched him, a bemused look on his face. "Erm. I don't think you understand, my Prince. He requests your presence now." Legolas' eyes rolled to heaven and he nodded once more, gesturing for the messenger to be on his way.

"I'll be right behind you." He sighed in exasperation as the messenger peered at him expectantly. The ellon responded with a quick nod before walking at a brisk pace down the hall. Legolas shook his head, but chuckled softly to himself as he followed behind, increasing his pace to match that of the messenger's.

The Prince followed the young elf down to the throne room in silence, wondering what his father had planned for him. He hoped it was nothing more than a mere stroll through the forest; he didn't want to leave Taryn in the hands of his father if he was gone a long time.

Legolas was brought out of his thoughts as the young elf coughed lightly for his attention. The Prince brought his gaze to rest on the messenger and gestured irritantly for him to proceed.

"Erm. This is where I leave you, Prince Legolas. Please continue inside the chamber."

Legolas nodded, watching the elf scuttle down the corridor, and he suddenly realised he had left him outside the doors to the throne room. He took a deep breath, studying quickly the authentic statue positioned by the side of the door, depicting a scene in which a young elleth was dancing gracefully with her long, slender arms outstretched, before hastily pushing open the elaborate doors, bearing etchings of ancient Elvish, and entering the room.

He strode confidently into the vast, spacious, chamber, though with a slight limp, greeting the impassive stares of the guards with a respective nod, before proceeding to the dais, on which King Thranduil was draped upon his golden high-back throne.

"Ada. You requested my presence."

Thranduil nodded, his eyes unblinking as he studied his son carefully. His gaze flickered to Legolas' injured leg before returning to his face. "I need you to run an errand for me; take a message to Rivendell."

Legolas choked back his surprise. "What?"

Thranduil frowned at his son, uncertainty and suspicion clouding his harsh gaze. "What's wrong?"

Legolas quickly recovered his shock, realising he had made a fatal mistake. He was right; he never questioned the missions set upon him. It was only different this time, as he would miss the woman's trial. His father probably wanted him out of the palace for Taryn's death; he would not usually be allowed out on such an outing after having sustained injuries. But that wasn't going to happen. He sighed, trying to hide a smile, for he had spent those few hours, locked in his chambers, wisely, contemplating on certain matters.

"Err... nothing. I just didn't expect anything so... Important. I though a mere trip to the forest would be suitable, but never mind."

"Why? Does your leg pain you, my son. Tathar said you were healed."

"I am, father. Just a slight limp, but I'm fine. When do you wish for me to set out?" He worded his question carefully, making his face impassive.

"Tomorrow morning. As soon as possible, really. It's important. My scouts have sighted packs of Uruk-hai near their borders and I'd like to inform them in case they have not yet detected them."

Legolas nodded, shrugging indifferently.

"Thank you, Ada. I shall start preparations right away." He nodded and turned to leave, before hesitantly returning to face his father. "By the way, Ada, when is the woman's trail?"

Thranduil sighed and rolled his eyes. "Oh. I forgot all about that wretched murderer." Legolas winced slightly at the latter word, but he clenched his jaw and held back his response. "Hmm. Some time soon. When I have seen to more pressing matters."

"Thank you, I shall leave immediately and hope it has been dealt with before my return," he said in the most sincerest voice he could manage.

Thranduil nodded approvingly, straitening his back and allowing his gaze to scan the room, avoiding Legolas' amused smiled. He turned on his heel and hurriedly left the chamber, the foot of his boots clicking rhythmically on the glossy, marble floor.

The prince headed straight for the Armoury, or so it seemed. On the way, he passed the Kitchens and snook into the cooking hall through a small side-door. Going unnoticed by the flustered chefs, he subtly slipped into a narrow alcove in the corner of the airy room and disappeared from sight.


A/N: Thanks so much for reading! I don't really have anything else to say...

Um. Sorry it's short. And I know I've been updating this one a lot recently, compared to my other fanfic, but I've been in a Legolas-y mood ;) Also, I've only got one more day of work experience left. Yahooo! And then I'm going to Paris in two weeks - which is really exciting! So, yeah. Not sure when I'll next be able to update!


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~ _imagine_fantasy_

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