Part Twenty-One

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A/N: Another short part. My apologies. Enjoy the chapter, anyhow. And answer the question at the end, please.



"Here, try these," Legolas said, throwing Taryn a pale cotton shirt and dark green breeches. She nodded in approval and gestured for the Prince to leave while she got changed.

After neglecting the idea of wearing a dress to prance through the forest of Mirkwood, she had requested her usual choice of attire, be it more of a man's outfit than a lady's. As she finished clothing herself, she called for Legolas, who returned with a cloak. She accepted it gratefully and hastily pulled her hair into a braid.

"You ready?" He asked, his eyes sparkling in the feeble light of his chamber. Taryn nodded, but then began to protest.

"Wait, what about weapons? I'm not accustomed to using anything but a dagger, but I'd rather be prepared in case we encounter... any unfriendly beings."

"Ah, yes. I already brought some up for you." He disappeared into his closet and pulled out two curved hunting daggers, their jagged blades glinting wickedly. He then produced a small sheath, and handed them to Taryn.

"Thanks," she mumbled, accepting the weapons. As she took hold of the sheath, she glanced uncertainly at the belt and then her waist.

"D'you need any help?"

Taryn flushed and nodded, tentatively handing him back the double scabbard. Legolas chuckled at her embarrassment and began strapping it around her waist. She felt slightly uncomfortable as his fingers brushed past her hips, and was glad when he had finished.

"Thanks," she muttered, again, sliding the daggers into their holders with a sharp hiss.

"Right.You'd best pull your hood on and keep your head down so nobody recognizes you," Legolas said, moving towards the door. "We'll head back down and gather our packs, then we'll hopefully be able to set off without hindrance."

Taryn nodded, her heart beginning to thud painfully against her chest as panic gripped her. What if they got caught!? This was the only thought plaguing her mind as they casually exited Legolas' chambers and began ambling down the corridor.

"Wait," she whispered, calling the Prince to a halt. He gazed at her expectantly. "What if someone questions who I am?"

Legolas' eyes suddenly widened, his lip quivering as he pondered the question. "Perhaps an elf hoping to become part of the guard? Let's just say I'm taking you out for some experience."

Taryn nodded, though she doubted it was a story the King was likely to believe. Did she really look like an elf? She certainly wasn't as beautiful, nor graceful. Perhaps her height fit the role, but where were her pointed ears?

They walked in silence to the lower levels of the palace, striding down endless hallways and passages, and narrow staircases of twisted vines. The windows and balconies around the palace were streaked with tiny droplets of water; obviously it had been raining.

As they entered a small room, they encounter their first elf. Or rather, many elves. Half a dozen to be exact, and Taryn became dizzy with fear.

"Ah, Legolas," greeted a familiar voice. Tathar. "Almost ready to set out, I presume?"

Legolas nodded and silently cursed; he had forgotten his father would most likely send guards to accompany him.

The elf suddenly became aware of the hooded figure beside the prince and inquired instantly.

"Who is your companion?" He asked, perplexed as to whether it be male or female; a feminine figure clad in man's clothes?

"She's training to be a part of the Elven guard. I thought I'd take her out for some experience on the field."

"Do they not already do that in training?"

"She missed the session due to injury," Legolas replied hastily, trying to keep his guise impassive.

Tathar eyed Taryn wearily but shrugged. "And what might be your name?" He asked her directly.

Damn. Taryn racked her mind for the first name she could think of. "Maya," she squeaked. The name of her mother. The thought brought fresh tears to her eyes, and she fought desperately to hold them back, ducking her head lower.

"Hmm. Maya," he mumbled thoughtfully. "Okay. Let's get our packs and head out."

Taryn glanced at Legolas in relief and he gently clapped her on the back. "You'll be fine," he whispered as the other elves grabbed a sack from the side. "Just follow my lead; I'll make sure nobody finds out your true identity."

Taryn nodded and silently thanked him, before grabbing a pack from the table. It was considerably light and she strapped it to her back with ease.

"Let's go!"


A/N: I don't know whether I should refer to Taryn as Taryn or Maya. When speaking to her, everyone will call her Maya, but when writing about her, I don't know which name to call her by. If I use both, it might get confusing.

What do you think? You decide and then please comment your answer. I just don't want you getting confused and thinking they're two different characters or something.

Thanks for reading, anyhow!
Please VOTE!
~ _imagine_fantasy_

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