Part Twenty

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in, like, ages! Please enjoy the chapter! Sorry it's short!


Taryn's eyes widened in bewilderment, but Legolas had already disappeared, bounding off round the corner. Why was he helping her? She was glad, of course, but did she deserve it?

Legolas returned some time later, keys jingling softly in his hand. He slid several into the lock, before finding the one that fit, and the door swung open with a faint click. The whole while, he avoided Taryn's gaze, but he could feel her staring intensely at him, willing him to look at her. He continued to conceal his feelings, holding a blank guise over his features.

The prisoner stood motionless, unsure whether she ought to go or not, but Legolas gestured impatiently for her to hurry, throwing several glances over his shoulder as he held open the cell door, and she hastily made up her mind and pushed past the prince, though not unkindly.

As soon as she had exited the cell, Legolas leapt in and positioned the discarded cloak into a bundle in the corner, making it look roughly like a curled up figure, before locking the cell behind him and leading Taryn silently down the corridor. He went through first, creeping silently and barely making a sound on the dusty floor. She tentatively reached out a hand and slipped it into his, feeling a sudden surge of panic. What if they got caught?! Then she'd be sent to her death right on the spot and Legolas would be harshly punished. But before Taryn could voice her concerns, Legolas stiffened suddenly and called them to a halt, holding up his hand. They had walked cautiously, without interruption, down most of the long corridor, but now a clatter of loud voices drifted from around the corner, followed by an eruption of boisterous laughter. Taryn's eyes widened and Legolas gestured for her to go back. She slid along the wall as fast as she could manage, keeping on her tiptoes so as not to make a noise. The prince was close behind, still gripping onto her hand, until she dipped into a small alcove in the wall. Legolas nodded and slipped into the shadows with her, pressing himself close to Taryn in the hopes his dark cloak would conceal them both. He flipped up his hood and they both waited silently.

The guards who had visited previously rambled on by, oblivious to the prince and prisoner obscured by the shadows. Their raucous laughter overwhelmed Taryn's slow, heavy breathing as she tried to control her thudding heart, and they ambled by without the slightest doubt. Yet they were so close to being caught! What would they do when they found out the prisoner was no more than a screwed-up cloak?

Taryn could feel Legolas' warm breath tickling her cheek, and a small shiver ran down her spine. After a few moments of being pressed together in the small hollow, the prince moved away and peered around both corners to make sure it was safe. He nodded slowly and gestured for Taryn to go. As she passed him, she noticed a strange look in his eyes, but couldn't quite discern what it was.

She quickly slid out of the alcove and started inching down the corridor once more. Legolas' hand slipped back into hers and he gave a reassuring squeeze as her steps grew more tentative. She breathed deeply and began to quicken her pace, growing more confident they'd escape without any more hindrance. As she passed another dark alcove, Legolas suddenly tugged her arm sharply and pulled her back. Her glanced at her apologetically before gesturing to the hidden passage and dissapearing inside. She glanced after him in confusion but followed him anyway, reaching out an arm to steady herself in the sudden gloom. She caught the side of the wall; it was cold and damp, but it acted as a guide through the darkness.

Eventually, her eyes adjusted and she was able to comprehend Legolas' figure in front of her, moving confidently through the passage. She hadn't a clue where the tunnel led to, but it gave her a sense of hopefullness of her escape. The prince certainly knew what he was doing.

"Okay, we'll be coming out in a corridor at the top floor in a moment, so be quiet and follow my lead. We'll head to my quarters and I'll find you some clothes, then we'll leave as soon as I'm ready to set out on my 'mission'. Is that alright?"

Taryn nodded, though she was still unsure what the plan was. What was this 'mission' Legolas had been sent to do? Where was he going to take her? She had nowhere to go! Perhaps it was a bad idea following the prince.

"Right, let's go!"

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