Part Sixteen

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I came back to my senses as a loud rustle caught my attention. I was roused from my light slumber and quickly snapped to reality as the images of the previous ordeal rushed back to me in a flood of emotions. I blinked away the grogginess and managed to scan my surroundings and catch sight of the dead elf beside me.

No! What... what had I done!?

I quickly staggered onto my knees, stumbling away from the bloodied corpse in horror and disgust. It was jerked at an awkward angle, covered in stab wounds where the arrow had penetrated the skin.

I'm... I'm a murderer! A cold-blooded killer!

Hot tears began to well in my eyes and spill onto my cheeks as my feet carried on dragging me away from the grotesque body. Soon I felt water lapping slowly around my legs as I stumbled into the stream, and promptly halted as my leg caught on something rigid.

No! Aris! His horror-stricken face glared up at me and I gasped loudly, covering my mouth with a hand to stop the snivelling sobs that threatened to escape. I was brought from my daze as another loud rustle and the snap of a twig caused my sensitive ears to perk up slightly. I suddenly became alert and began searching through the trees with a tear-blurred vision. A hazy figure was visible in the gloom and I hastily ran to the body, drawing the dagger he held round his waist. However, I wasn't planning on killing anyone else, unless it was an orc.

But as the form became clear through the leaves, I knew I wouldn't escape without at least injuring him to hinder his movements.

Another elf.

After a flickering glance at the dead bodies and my blood-soaked hands, he quickly caught onto the situation and drew his bow, aiming for my face.

"No... no. Please. I didn't..."

"Shut up, human."

I fell silent, my lips quivering as I clutched onto the dagger.

Maybe I should just surrender to him. Lay down my weapon. Accept my fate.

No. I could get out of here. Forget this. Make a new life for myself .

Make a new life for myself.

Before even I could register what was happening, my hand jerked forward, flinging the dagger through the air. It whistled slightly before thudding into the elf's thigh. His eyes widened, his grip on the bow faltering as he struggled to hold his weight on one leg. He soon collapsed, and I wasted no time in retrieving the dagger as he threw it away from him and began clutching at his leg.

As I bounded off into the trees, I heard a sharp whistle and abruptly ducked, just as an arrow shot above my head, wedging itself into one of the trees. I hurried on my way, throwing a brief glance over my shoulder to catch sight of the elf struggling to stand; there was no chance he would pursue me with his injuries.

I heard him shout for help, and cursed myself for being so stupid; he knows my face. He knows what I look like. If he gets rescued and taken back to Mirkwood, he'd surely describe his attacker and I'd be a wanted murderer.

Yes, but only in Mirkwood. They keep to themselves, remember? A voice replied back, somewhere deep in my head. Nobody else will know of your deeds if you never return to this place.

The voice was right, I couldn't deny that. So I continued running, pushing back the tears that threatened to spill over.

What's done is done.

And as I ran on, pushing my path through the blocks of foliage that blocked my way, I felt a sudden emptiness overcome my body, as if another presence had been inhabiting it, but had now taken it's leave.

I pushed the strange thoughts away and clutched the bloodied dagger ever more tighter, my knuckles straining white from the strength of the grip.


A/N: This is a really, seriously short part. I just really wanted to update because I haven't updated in ages! Like, three weeks! I've had exams and stuff, but they're over now! So I can write again! Well, I still have other things, y'know. I'm going to Paris for a school trip, so I won't be able to write then, I don't think.

Anyway. Again, sorry it's so short.

I'll try and update at the weekend or something.

Thanks for reading! Please VOTE!
~ _imagine_fantasy_

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