Part Thirty-Four

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... how about trying to communicate with her?

... trying to communicate with her?

... communicate with her?

Elrond's words ricocheted round Taryn's sullenly empty mind as she sat on the end of her bed, bare feet dangling centimetres off the ground.

Her knees were drawn up to her chin as she rested her head forward. The position somehow reminded her of being in that cold, dark cell. Where damp seeped through the bars and shadows clung to the walls. It was a depressing memory; one she fought hard to forget. But then Legolas' kindly gaze would appear through the bars to her prison, and his perfect features. And he'd hand her his cloak and ask her name in the richest voice.

But this time Legolas didn't appear; she remained imprisoned in her cell, alone.

How about trying to communicate with her?

How about it, huh?

Taryn's head snapped away from her knees as she jolted from the bed. Perhaps Elrond was right; perhaps she ought to heed the Lord's words and attempt communication. The elf had claimed she didn't mean any harm towards Taryn herself, and she seemed to have been dormant these past weeks. Perhaps overcoming her fear of the witch and summoning her, the human could gain the trust of her protector and inquire about aiding her. With the witch's powers, maybe she'd be able to warn Legolas about the upcoming attack.

But how would she set about summoning the witch in the first place? Elrond said only she had the ability; yet she was heedless as to how it worked. Perhaps she ought to call out to her in her mind.

But what if the witch took hold of her and forced harm upon her friends!?

No. The Lord of Rivendell himself declared she would only hurt those willing to hurt Taryn. Nobody in Rivendell wished her harm.

Are you there? Taryn collapsed back onto the bed, fluttered closed her eyes and formed the words in her mind; a dark void penetrated by stark white words, contrasting vividly against the shadows.

It was the only thing she could think of saying; she hadn't a name for that which possessed her mind, but merely calling her 'the witch' seemed rude. She didn't dare want to risk angering her.

If you're there, please respond! She begged more desperately, her eyelids growing restless.

No reply.

Please. I need your help.

At this plead, Taryn felt the familiar presence fill her mind, replacing the empty void.

I am here. But I can only help you under one condition.

What might that be? She asked, trying to suppress her sense of panic as the familiar voice bounced off her wall of thought.

You must pass the challenge, came the reply.

Challenge?! Taryn dreaded to think what this 'challenge' involved.

The witch must have felt her sense of doubt, for she responded with a dry chuckle. Nothing too serious; you simply must regain control of your body.

Before Taryn could inquire what she meant, she felt the all-too familiar tingle spread through her limbs, whilst she lay numb beneath the body that didn't seem to belong to her.

Regain control before you do something drastic! She hissed somewhat harshly as she forced Taryn's arms to collect a hunting dagger from the dressing table.

No! She was going to make her kill someone?!

Taryn tried to scream, cry out, push against the witch and resist her power. But it was no use. She felt her body move slowly towards the door.

The witch remained silent, watching through Taryn's eyes as she guided the body that did not belong to her.

Taryn could feel herself suspended within the void of her mind, lingering along the edge of action, whilst being forced back into dormancy. She merely needed to teeter towards the right side and push herself into the light, but she couldn't. Something held her in an iron-tight grip, compelling her to numbness. But she couldn't let that happen! She struggled more violently, trying to thrash out her legs and wriggle her arms free of the bounds.

But every time she struggled, the grip grew tighter, digging into her flesh.

As the battle for control took place within Taryn's mind, her body was now exiting into the corridor, moving jerkily as if Taryn's resistance was having some effect.

All of a sudden, the grip slackened slightly and Taryn took the opportunity to kick at her captive. Her foot connected with something hard and the numbness lessened.

The witch fought back, trying to maintain her control, but Taryn was gaining strength and soon found herself almost free from her restraints.

With one last tug, she was free. The knife fell from her clammy hands and she stumbled to a stop, slightly disorientated. She was in the hallway outside her chambers; luckily not an elf was in sight.

She inhaled a deep breath, sucking in dry air.

Well done, you have passed the test, the witch's voice echoed through her head. Now I will help you.

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