Part Nine

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Legolas gasped suddenly at her words, a heavy sadness descending on the Elven Prince. Taryn was oblivious to his exclamation, for she herself was immersed in a deep dread, and her eyes filled with tears again.

There was silence once more; a solemn one. And it was only broken by the occasional splash! as Taryn's tears met the solid rock beneath her. Legolas' gaze skimmed over the woman; her eyes were sunken and dead, her skin could not shine any paler than the pallor it gleamed. She needed help, but who was to give it to her?

Legolas was abruptly brought out of his thoughts as the woman began to speak again, her voice growing hoarse and strangled between the sobs.

"Revenge screamed in my mind. I felt a new surge of strength. It... it was strange. The world around me kind of... blanked out. The only thing I could focus on was the elf that killed my only living family. But... it was like I couldn't control myself. I was unaware of what was happening, unable to contradict my actions..." She trailed off and suddenly caught his gaze with pleading eyes. Legolas felt his heart jolt violently in his chest and a surge of insane ideas invaded his mind. But she dropped it and kept her eyes trained on the floor.

"I yanked the arrow out of my brother's dead body and leapt at the elf, screaming with loathing. His... his eyes widened in shock. He had thought we were orcs. I knew that much. He had realised his mistake and lowered his weapon. And I know we could have settled it another way. But...I tackled him to the ground with strength I never knew I had and I... I stabbed the elf with his own arrow, still caked in my brother's blood. I just... I stabbed him... again... and again, remorse filling my whole body. I don't know why I did it. It was like it wasn't me.

"I carried on stabbing him until I collapsed with exhaustion. I woke up still clinging onto the arrow, now protruding out of the several puncture wounds in the elf's chest. I looked at the elf in disgust, but then the guilt drove in and I couldn't take it. I collapsed by the two lifeless bodies, screaming silently at myself. Why did I do it? Why?!" Taryn looked at Legolas with those pleading eyes again, but the Prince could stand it no longer and he lowered his gaze, now dim with sorrow and dispair. He let her continue without saying a word, resuming the blank guise to conceal his emotions. He wasn't sure how he felt about her story, but he knew she wasn't guilty.

"I'm not sure how long I stayed there, by the stream running with my brother's blood. But it was a long time... maybe even a whole day. I just sat there, motionless, staring at the horrific wounds I had cursed upon the poor elf...

"It was starting to grow dark when I eventually stirred. I had heard a rustle of foliage and the light patter of footsteps, but only for a brief second. Then they came to a halt and I knew someone was there. I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed the arrow again, but it's shaft was broken, so I searched the elf's body and found a dagger." She paused and glanced at Legolas, who was listening intently, his breathing quickening as he pictured the bleak scene before his eyes. Again, she received no apparent reaction and continued; she had already told him this much, why not admit the rest? She was just going to die anyway. Perhaps she deserved it...

"Armed with a mere hunting dagger, with which I had no skill, I waited for the newcomer. And when they eventually stepped out of the trees and witnessed the scene before them, they gave no hesitation before training their bow to my head. But I didn't hesitate either," she spat, her eyes regaining some of their fierce gleam. "I lunged with the dagger, stabbing it in his stomach. He was unable to move after that, but I couldn't kill him. Not after what happened to the other elf. But I was stupid. I heard more voices coming my way, calling out names. Obviously the one who was still conscious replied, and they came running our way. I had to get out of the there. So I ran. Ran away from the three bodies and the river of blood. But I had let the elf seen my face. He knew what I looked like. And that's how I ended up here."

Legolas nodded, somewhat speechless, but the story was not yet complete. "How did you-" He was cut off abruptly as a clatter of voices rang through the air, and the patter of light footsteps raced towards them. The prince gasped and quickly leaped back to the shadows as three elves' face suddenly became illuminated in the flickering torches.

"Are you sure Prince Legolas came down here?"

"Yes. I am quite certain. I asked him what he was doing. He said he needed to speak to the woman in the cells." Tathar.

Another murmur came from a light-haired elf and Tathar's voice rang in annoyance.

"No, I did not question him. He is the Prince and may go where he pleases."

Legolas, hiding in the shadows, just out of reach of the dim light cast by the glinting torches, grinned slightly at Tathar's comment. Then he suddenly remembered his bravery and skill when fighting the spiders' nest. He truly was a fine elf.

A heavy sigh and a grunt. "Fine. We shall have to look elsewhere. He must have left while you were dozing."

"I was not dozing!" Tathar's angry protest rang shrill around the room and soon the chorus of voices faded as they moved down the corridor, muttering inaudible remarks.

Legolas' glance flickered back to the woman, whose gaze was still trained on the floor beneath her. She really was broken. The Prince had yet to ask more questions, but others were evidently looking for him, and he should tend to that business first.

Straining his ears to pick out any more disturbances, he darted out of the shadows and went over to the cell confining the woman. She glanced briefly at the Prince.

"You don't believe me."

Legolas faltered for a minute. "I'm not sure." Then, turning on his heel, he marched as silently as he could down the stretching corridor and eventually dipped into a narrow alcove, concealed by a shrouding darkness. Inside was a small passage, known only to a few, which led to a fork. From there, the path either led to the outside of the palace, to the kitchens or to a corridor near the Royal Chambers, in which Legolas' room was located. He took the latter and ambled silently down the hidden aisle until he came to an abrupt turn and found himself in a deserted corridor. He steadied his composure and marched confidently to his room, though the thoughts in his head was an uneven jumble. He had yet to confirm his feelings, but he had other business to tend to first.


A/N: I'm really bad when it comes to telling big stories. I feel like I rush through them too quickly. I'm sorry. I'm going to try and concentrate on writing my other fanfic now, because I've nearly finished it and I've been more focused on updating this one. Yeah. Idk.

Anyway. I don't think I'll be able to update until next weekend, but I may get a chance sometime during the week. Idk. School is keeping me busy ._.

So. Random Fact: I have a giant packet of Quavers... in my wardrobe. Yeah. I do.

Enjoy your day!

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~ _imagine_fantasy_

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