Part Ten

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Taryn pulled the cloak tighter round her body, her gaze sinking into the plain tiles before her, shrouded in an unwelcome darkness. The tiny window above her had been obscured by thin wooden planks, not even granting the prisoners the liberty of light. She sighed deeply, drawing her knees up to her chin and nestling her head in her lap, overcome by drowsiness. The prisoner hadn't had a decent night of sleep since her village was raided and demolished into crumbling bricks of useless refuges, except from when she had passed out; though that hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience.

Her mind was filled with thoughts of the Prince. Legolas. When he had visited her; his handsome face emerging from the light, appearing behind the bars, his striking blue eyes peering at her with kindness and pity. He had not gazed upon her with loathing and disdain, such as his father had done. Perhaps he saw the truth in her story, for it was. Nothing but the truth. Her heart was filled with regret and guilt. The elf's dead body haunted her every waking moment. Perhaps she deserved to die for her crimes; crimes she had not committed deliberately or with passion and eagerness. She had not been herself at the time. She wanted nothing more than to change what she had done.

Taryn sighed again, burying her head deeper into the warm cloak, trying to stop the tears from falling. Her whole body ached, her eyelids drooping wearily, waiting for sleep to evade her mind and remove the horrid thoughts that plagued her body for just a little while, allowing her some peace.

She was sincerely glad when her body eventually drooped and she collapsed to the floor, fatigue overcoming her, and she drifted into the dark abyss of her mind.


"How long do we have to keep running?" Aris asked quietly, his voice cracking from his parched throat. His face was stained with dirt and grime, specks of blood running across his cheek. His eyes had lost their light long ago; they were now deep, sunken sockets, dim and lifeless. I couldn't bear to see him like this. He was so lost and afraid.

"Until we find somewhere safe. Come on, we need to find some water."

Aris nodded solemnly, facing away from me. I knew he was going to start crying, so I gently wrapped my arms around him, turned him round slowly and pulled him into a deep embrace, stroking his matted, unkept hair with my calloused hands. He started sobbing silently onto my shoulder, whimpering quietly as his body trembled. But he soon calmed down, regaining his composure.

"Let's go." He suddenly pulled away from me, wiping his damp cheek and taking in a deep breath. I nodded, trying to tug my lips into a small, determined smile.

"Yes. Let's go."


It had been a few hours since our halt, but we still hadn't come across any sign of water in this gloomy place. A dull throb was beginning to spread through my forehead as I grew disorientated in the dismal forest. The trees swayed vigorously before my eyes, outstretching their gnarled fingers towards my brother and I.

Aris was plodding on steadily in front of me, his boots thumping rhythmically upon the dense foliage. His eyes were flickering from tree to tree and his walking began to grow unsteady.

"Aris. Climb on my back and have a rest." I held out a hand to halt him and he looked up at me with bleak eyes. He suddenly tipped to one side and I quickly rushed forward to catch him in my trembling arms before he fell into the trees. He shook his head wearily, but climbed onto my back nevertheless. His weight did nothing to hinder my movements; he was a light burden to carry.

I soon felt his head droop onto my back and figured he had fallen asleep. I wanted nothing more than to do the same, but I had to find water, or we wouldn't last much longer. My throat was screaming for a drop of liquid. My lips were dry and cracked. My tongue felt swollen in my mouth. I needed to find water... Quickly.


A/N: Sorry this part is so short. It's just a kind of filler chapter. Plus, I just wanted to go back to Taryn so she could have this dream, y'know. It's just going to tell you in a bit more detail what happened, basically. The dream will be continued over a few short parts (three or four), just to extend my fanfic a little ;) I'll also switch to Leggy in between, and alternate between the two characters, until the dream finishes. I hope that's okay. Sorry if it gets a bit boring...

Anyway. Thanks so much for reading! Helpful feedback is greatly appreciated!
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~ _imagine_fantasy_

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