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Disclaimer if you see jack and Nadia's POV more it's bc their the main characters of course you're gonna see their POV more

Nadia's POV:
I feel someone shake me. "Jack go away it's too early". " Well good thing Jack isn't here". I wake up to John hovering over me and I get up and stretch. " what is on you're neck?" He asks. " what are you talking about" is what I say before I walk to the bathroom and look at the mirror. "Shit" I mumble to myself m, forgetting hat jack came over not too long ago. " well you know I'm gonna take a shower." After the shower I picked out some clothes for rehearsal. Laciana finishes her makeup and blah. Me, her , and Rose head to the a Plain spot with stages around. The boys come and Rose and Jonah give each other long hugs. We step to jack he kinda looks away like he doesn't wanna talk to me. " What did I do now?" I say. " John told me that you and him are secretly dating". He says with a serious face. " hahaha! I then look at jack, wait... you believe him? I say confused. " he did sound believable." He says. " oh yea because you wouldn't care if I'm telling the truth or not... you don't trust me do you? Or wait you just think I lie about  of things." I say. " Nad- Nope look jack it's fine come talk to me when you think you can trust me and believe me I say as I walk away rolling my eyes.
After rehearsals (cause I'm lazy af)
We get back to the hotel and I I turn a corner  once I get into the hotel and someone yanks me back. " Jack... What and how'd you get a key to my hotel room?". I say. " look Nadia I'm sorry I didn't trust you  it was rude of me to take someone else's side that I didn't even know. And Laciana gave me an extra key. "Look Jack we're fine but I want you to trust me." I say getting close to him. He wraps his hands around my waist and says " I know I will start trusting you more." He says. "Good" I say as I get out of his hands. He grabs my hand and turns me around and kisses my neck. " what's up with you and necks you weirdo? I ask, "and
stop you're gonna give me more hickeys you goof. " I'd gladly like too". Alright Jack stop so we can go eat with the rest. We walk downstairs to catch up with the rest and they notice the hickey. We sit down and Corbyn asks " so hey I notice you have something on you're neck Nadia... may I ask who it's from. He says". Everyone looks at Jack. "Why do you guys assume it's me?" he says. I blush and Daniel says "well Logan is on his way here so this should be fun". " Jack almost spit out his water " what are you talking about" half of the group laughs. " he seems about an hour away to be exact. Daniel says". "Hhm should we cover her hickey up with makeup or let her leave it because I have foundation in her skin tone. says Laciana" " I think we should leave it" says Rose. " I will hurt both of you then you'll have to cover that up with foundation. We finish our food and we head back to our rooms to get ready we decided we were going to the Mall. " come on, and me and Jonah won't be here for long we're going for ice cream." Says Rose. " Ooo, so you can kiss him again?". " What?.... You and Jonah kissed" says Laciana while jumping up and down. " but I mean me and Daniel want to go on a date". I wink at Rose and She smirks at me. " what? Don't tell that you both became gay and are dating each other?" She say. " No you rat! just tell us how you're date goes after."

Laciana POV:

We all left and got an uber, luckily we didn't have to split 2 cars. I sat on Daniels lap on the way there bc it was getting crowded. But Daniel didn't seem to mind because he stared out the window the whole ride. We all spent around 200-300 dollars. Me and Daniel are walking and I look to my left and asked Daniel what were we doing for our date? He laughed and said "isn't this our date?" Then he gets a call from jack. " hold on I'll be right back". I get a call from Rose telling me to come to Le Blanco. little did I know Daniel was heading there too. I headed to the restaurant which was outside the mall. And I felt two arms grab me. " okay you texted me now why am I here". " we're gonna blindfold you". Says Nadia. "But w- before I could finish my sentence Rose blindfolds me. "Ok, we are going to walk you somewhere" says Nadia. We walk for 2 minutes and we stop. I hear a familiar voice " Daniel?" . " Laciana? he says". Can we take off the blindfolds now? "Yes, you can." Says Jack. " woahhhhh" is what I said while walking towards the table. " what's this? says Daniel. " you're date" says Jack. "Aww you guys are so sweet." I yell. " Well Jonah will be out soon to serve you".

( don't worry we'll get back to their date, and don't think I forgot to include what Daniel said into another part)

Nadia's POV:

Me and Jack are walking back to the hotel which isn't too far ( 10 minute walk).
" so do you think they'd date after the date" he says
" I think so" then jack gets a call from Logan and Logan speaks very loud. " ayeee jack is Nadia with her boyfriend"? he say "Boyfriend?" says Jack
"uh yea John..... did she not tell you" he says
" oh uh no um she told me... she's with him right now" says Jack. He hangs up and I slip my hand into jacks, but then he slips it out. By that time were at the hotel. " look jack it's still funny how you don't believe me.. I told you that you would have to trust me, I don't know where Logan got that from but he knew that we were done. Jack I like you but.." as soon as I got that out I turned around to walk inside. Jack grabs my arm and turns me around, then he rubs his hand across my neck. "Look Nadia , but if Logan didn't know you two broke up or he "forgot" then did you two actually break up you know Logan knows everything"
" I don't have time for this" I leave him and go to my hotel room to find that Logan is there. " Hey baby sis" is what he says while he pulls me into a hug. " So I'm excited to se- then he looks at my neck. " did john do that"
" ha what are you talking about.. me and john arnt dating". Then I realize the hickey and how jack rubbed my neck." Fuck" I mumble under my breath. Logan stays quiet for a minute, " did jack do it" I stared at the ground quietly. " seriously, Nadia I had you meet my friends so that you had more than two friends, I didn't have you meet the boys so you can date them. I knew this was going to happen." lo-  "I don't have time for this now if you excuse me I need to go bash "my" friend. ( let's pretend she was vlogging the whole day.) I take out my camera with tears swelling in my eyes. " hey guys I gonna end the vlog here" I say as my voice got softer. I soon close my camera laying on my bed thinking about what Logan said and if I never should have came to L.A.  Soon I drift off to sleep.

UHH WELL THIS IS NOT HOW I WANTED THE CHAPTER TO GO BUT OH WHALE! THIS IS LONG ASF! NEXT CHAPTER IS AN INSTAGRAM ONE. I like the beginning of this chapter :) nah IM JOKING it was weird again I don't know what I was thinking....

Should I change what Logan said about her or keep it. I honestly love drama but I hate drama. If I should change it let me know :)

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