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A group of people came over so do Sir Luke. He came to rescue Hoseok and Jungkook, but he was late. Jungkook already froze out like a statue and Hoseok's bleeding like hell. But it's a good thing that both were still alive.

As they brought Jungkook and escorted injured Hoseok to the helicopter, Hoseok saw Sir Luke was behind, staring straight to something.

It was a frame, a potrait of hell and heaven. He was in awe for a moment and spaced out until one of the rescuer called him. He turned around and saw Hoseok was looking at me as he gave Hoseok a warm smile.

They flew off from there safely. Hoseok looked at the Jungkook in front of him, still in statue. Hoseok couldn't hold it as a drop of tear fell onto his cheek. "Dont do this to me Jungkook" Hoseok said, looking down. "I dont want to lose anyone anymore"

Hearing that, Sir Luke looked at Hoseok and cleared his throat as he looked away, to the other way.

Not too long after, they arrived to Sur Luke's other residence, where he kept the evil creatures. It was underground, the wall made of steel, it wont break easily. The place full with trained soldier under him to guard the place up.

Jungkook be placed inside a capsule to watch over him so he wont get hurt if anything happens to him since he couldn't move. The capsule was inside a sealed room.

When Hoseok was watching them locking up Jungkook, Sir Luke called Hoseok out from there and brought Hoseok to somewhere else. Hoseok has his bow and arrows behind him, along with his sniper rifle.

"What happened to Jungkook?" Sir Luke asked. "H-he" Out of sudden Hoseok heard somethibg loud coming from the end of the hallway. He took out his sniper and in ready position to shoot anything that comes to his way.

Sir luke smiled and chuckled as he hold down Hoseok's sniper and received a confused look on Hoseok's face. "Everything is under control" Sir Luke smiled. He was proud because he trained Hoseok well.

Sir Luke and Hoseok headed to where the loud sound came from and entered a room. Inside the room has about three people and so many electronics switches. In front of the room has a big glass window.. and someone was there. The window let the people inside the room to see what's happening in the sealed room

Hoseok's eyes widened to see Namjoon the warlock was inside, being tied up on a metal table, shirtless.

"He is saying something" Hoseok said when he saw Namjoon was muttering. "turn the speaker on" Hoseok commanded the guy in charge and he turned it on.

"-you evil" Namjoon said befire he got shot with another electricity shocks. Hoseok's eyes grew bigger and gasped. Namjoon's eyes changed to bright grey as he received another shots of pain. He groaned, trying to escape but there's no chance.

"He is so powerful. The more he use his power, the more we suck out the energy and power from him"

Hoseok turned to Sir Luke when he said that. It makes him confused. "Once i asked u but i need a better explanation this time. Why you want them alive and steal their power from them?" Hoseok asked.

Sir Luke stopped smiling and looked at Hoseok. "it's a privacy thing, you can't know about it" Sir Luke shook his head and looked to the front again. "I deserve it. Jungkook and I sacrificed our lives for this"

Sir Luke gritted his teeth. "You need to rest, go to your room. Let's talk about this later" Sir Luke asked one of the soldier to escort Hoseok to his room. He entered and the soldier even locked the door, makes Hoseok even curious about what's happening.

All of the evil creatures they kidnapped were being tortured alive, sucked out their power and energy, leaving nothing for them unless their forms.

They're exhausted, but why Sir Luke does this to them? It will be safer and right if Sir Luke just tell Hoseok and Jungkook to kill them. But why he didn't? Instead if that, he asked them to bring those evil creatures here and tortured them, not letting them to due yet.

Something is fishy. Hoseok wasn't comfortable with this. He wants to know the truth, but how?

The sky went dark, Hoseok washed his face and sat on the bed before he suddenly stood up and walked to the door. "I want to see Sir Luke. I need to warn him about one of the creatures" Hoseok said by the door to the soldier in front of the door.

He didn't hesistate and unlocked the door then opened it. Hoseok gestured to get out but he pulled the soldier inside, threw him onto the floor and stepped on his arm before he could get the weapon. As he winced in pain, Hoseok lifted him up and hit the nape to make him fainted.

Hoseok took the keys from the pocket and ran out from the room after took his arrows and bow, and rifle then closed the door, like he was still inside while he's not.

He ran to where Jungkook was and realised that the door was locked too. He didn't have any choice but to search for the key. On his way, he heard someone's voice.

"He is evil. He is bad. He will be scared once he comes"

Yoongi was there, inside the sealed room. He was all alone, resting his back by the wall on the floor. The room was as same as Namjoon's.

"What do u mean??" Hoseok asked him. Yoongi's attention caught when he heard a voice but he can't see Hoseok through the glass.

"You just fell into a trap. The devil is not an evil but the human is the true evil"

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