Chapter 23

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I look at the gorgeous lady in the mirror staring back at me. Her naturally wavy hair are tumbling down just below her shoulders. She's wearing an elegant evening gown of the color of pansies. Her eyes are kohl-rimmed and her eyelids are shaded in a silvery-violet shade emphasizing her large brown orbs. Her luscious lips are colored in a nude shade. And that lady is... me. I absolutely don't look like me... I stare at myself. The knob of the door of my room turns and someone comes in "Shriya are you ready-" Justin abruptly stops when he looks at me. His eyes roam up and down my body. His lips part in surprise as he takes me in. His eyes meet mine and I see a thousand emotions reflected in them. His wearing a black tuxedo and looks like the perfect definition of male beauty. "Wow.... you look..." he breaks off staring at me "Uh.. Thanks..." I whisper flustered. He walks towards me and suddenly I find myself in his arms. He smells of body wash and linen. He kisses my cheek. "You look so beautiful.." he whispers and suddenly bends down to kiss me. I drown and loose myself in the kiss. It tastes of lust and something that I can't quite comprehend. We break off. He caresses my cheek tenderly and rubs his nose along mine. "Let's get going. Mum and Dad must be waiting" he whispers. I nod looking at him. He intertwines our hands and leads me out of the room. We go down the stairs. "Wait here" he says as he goes to the couch to grab something. "Masks?" I ask bewildered "I thought this was just a dinner" "You know how mum is" he says disapprovingly "So this is-" "A ball" he interrupts "Oh... so that's why you told me to wear a gown" I say realization dawning on me "Well... you normally wouldn't wear an elegant gown for just a dinner would you?" he says looking amused "I thought it was what you guys did. You see I wear sweats for dinner" I say smirking. He laughs loudly "You and your smart mouth" he says smiling. He hands me a mask which is of dark violet in color and has navy blue feathers on of its edges. It's bordered with silver and completely compliments my dress. "Wow..." I whisper observing it. "Shall we?" he asks offering his arm smirking, his pose that of a gentleman but I know he's anything but a gentleman "We shall" I say grabbing it and kissing his cheek. He grins and leads me out into the foyer and I see a four-wheeler parked outside. It's an SUV. "Hmm.. not one of your sports cars today?" I say, smirking at him "Well..we can take one of them if you want but you wouldn't be comfortable in it because of that gown of yours" "Oh" I whisper "Plus I think it would tear and then I wouldn't be able to resist myself" he whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps all over my body. "Justin!" I whisper-scream and I see the driver looking at us with sudden interest. "Your attracting attention baby" he says, amusement clear in his voice "let's go" he says "Wait...How would it tear?" I ask puzzled but he's already leading me towards the car. "Shriya, this is Reynolds" "Good evening ma'am" he greets me "Hello. Please call me Shriya" I say, smiling "Very well. Let's get moving" he says. Justin opens the door and helps me get into the car. Just before closing the door, he kisses my cheek. I smile. I hear him and Reynolds talking something outside but it's a blur. A moment later they get into the car. "You still didn't answer me" I whisper in his ear, knowing that Reynolds can still hear us. "Well.. What was the question again?" he asks smirking knowing full well that I can't ask him now. Not when Reynolds can hear every single thing we say. I narrow my eyes at him. He grins. He takes my hand and rubs his thumb along my knuckles. Oh my! This does delicious things to my insides. Suddenly the atmosphere changes. I look at him and find him gazing at me with intensity. How can he do that? That's just my knuckles and I feel as if his hands are all over my body. He brings my hand close to his mouth and kisses it. I gasp. His eyes never leave mine as he takes in my every reaction. I'm in his sexual thrall and he knows it. "Sir we're here" Reynolds announce and the connection breaks with a snap. I blink. "Thank you Reynolds" Justin says hoarsely. His voice does odd things to me... What's wrong with me? Reynolds and Justin get out of the car and I see Reynolds jogging over to my side, opening the door "Thank you Reynolds" I whisper "Your welcome ma'am" he smiles and I like him. I feel Justin beside me and my face flames "Let's go" he whispers in my ear and an involuntary shiver runs through my spine. I look up at him and notice that his wearing a black mask emphasizing his strong jaw and his hazel eyes. "I love you" he says looking at me, his expression intense. "I-" "Big brother!" Jazzy interrupts me. I hear Justin sigh beside me "Great" he mutters annoyed. I look at him amused "What?" he asks, irritated "Nothing... nothing at all" I say smirking. I see Jazzy making her way towards us "I missed you guys so much" she says engulfing Justin in a tight hug. I see adoration and love in his eyes for her and smile. "Oh! You look GORGEOUS sister-in-law" Jazzy says dramatically, eyeing me "So hot" she waves her hand as if its hot "Umm.. Thanks?" I say more like ask "Jazz enough" Justin says, his voice holding an undercurrent of something dangerous. "Don't get your pants in a twist brother" Jazzy mutters. I laugh out loudly. Justin looks at me surprised. "Good to know someone enjoys my humor" Jazzy says grinning. "But seriously sister-in-law you look sexy and I'm sure by the end of the night Justin will rip the clothes off you" she says smirking. "Well can't question that judgement sister" Justin says, looking at me and smirking. "JUSTIN!" I admonish him, my face burning. Justin without clothes.... OH LORD! The thought brings an unbidden picture in my mind. I immediately stop going down that road. "Earth to baby" Justin says amused, waving his hand in front of my face. "Uh.. what?" I ask irritated. "I know my brother looks tasty without clothes" Jazzy comments. "He just looks edible" I hear a woman say, standing near Jazzy. "Oh! Barbara when did you come? I just didn't notice you" Jazzy asks but she just ignores her. "Justin baby.." she purrs throwing herself on Justin. WHAT THE FUCK?! WHO DOES THE LADY THINK SHE IS?! HE'S MINE! "Did you miss me?" she whispers in his ear. I get pissed. "I think some people don't know how to behave with someone ELSE'S husband" I say looking at Jazzy. She just has an expression that says 'I'm so sorry. I didn't know the bimbo was also invited'. Justin raises his eyebrows. "Can we get going?" I ask, uncomfortably. Justin looks at me but I ignore him. "Oh! Let's go! Come on" Jazzy ushers us inside the mansion and all the while Barbara is blabbering nonstop and Justin laughing at her so-called 'jokes'. I roll my eyes. "Justin, Shriya I'm so glad you could make it" Pattie says engulfing the both of us into a hug. "Why wouldn't we make it? Of course we had to make it" I say, smiling. "Come on in" she says turning around. I'm about to follow her when a hand grabs me, turning me around. "What's wrong with you?" Justin asks, his eyes blazing. "Nothing" I whisper. "Don't give me the crap Shriya" he hisses "I'm giving you the crap? I'm fucking giving you the crap?" I burst, unable to stop myself. "Why are you acting like this?" he asks, running his hand through his hair and glaring at me. I match his glare. "Let's go and give me my space" I hiss at him and walk away leaving him agitated....


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