Chapter 29

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After a hectic day at the office, I head home and currently stuck in traffic. Wow! That's like the icing on the cake! It's infuriating! I just wanna go home and sleep... Perhaps cuddle with Justin. Speaking of which, I haven't seen him since yesterday. Ugh! Where is he? 'The other side of the universe' my subconscious snickers. I ignore her. There's no movement of cars. At such a rate, I'll reach home by morning! I bang my head onto the steering wheel in annoyance. 'Your head's already like a watermelon, why do you want to increase its size?' my subconscious retorts, rolling her eyes. Oh shut up will you!

I feel my butt vibrate.. What The Hell? Oh Crap! My mobile.. Haha.. I answer the call. "Hello?" "Where the fuck are you?" Justin's voice etched with irritation answers me. "Umm.. in the car?" I answer, more like question. I face-palm myself mentally. Great! Talk about idiocy! "Cut the sarcasm! What's taking you so long? Do you know the time?" Justin snarls over the phone. "You see Justin, I love my car so I've decided to spend the night in it!" I reply, sarcasm dripping from my words.

I hear a defeated sigh from the other end. "I'm sorry. Where are you?" Justin asks, this time sincerely. "That's better Mr. Bieber. I'm currently stuck in traffic enjoying the view of the car in front of me" "That must be quite a view" I hear him chuckling. "Oh you have no idea" I reply, rolling my eyes. "I can guess by the tone of your voice" "I'm in the same place since half an hour already! Now I have this overwhelming urge to leave the car right here and walk over to our house!" I ramble, annoyed. I hear Justin's laughter over the phone. It's so mesmerizing that it instantly soothes my nerves and I find myself smiling.

"Its not funny!" I scold him. "Oh but it is! Your usually so in control of your emotions that it's hilarious watching you barely able to contain your irritation" he replies, chuckling. "Ugh!" "Calm down. Cut some slack will you?" He mutters. I ignore him. "Oh! the cars are moving by a millimeter! That's progress!" I reply, excited.

"Hmmm... Is everything alright?" I hear Justin ask with seriousness. I still. "Yeah. Why?" I ask cautiously. "I've noticed you looking very stressed these past couple of days." he replies, concern etched in his voice. "It's nothing Justin." I say quietly. "Of course it's something. Look I know our marriage is purely business based but I want you to know that I'm here. If you want to share something that's been troubling you, I'm always here." he says. "Thanks Justin. It means a lot to me. Though I assure you everything's fine." "Okay. As you say." he replies but I can sense his uncertainty. "Anyway, I think the traffic is clearing. I need to drive. I'll see you in another fifteen minutes. Bye." I reply, my voice hoarse. CRAP! I hope he doesn't notice. "Alright. Drive safely. Bye." I hang up.

Is it that obvious? Lord! I can't afford that! I'm trying to involve less people in this big mess. Just as I'm about keep my phone in my pocket, it vibrates indicating a message icon. I open it.


Mrs. Bieber, How do you do?

Unknown? What? Is this a private number? Who could this be?

I answer; Who is this? Instantly, I get a reply.


Forgot about me so soon? Now that's very impolite Mrs. Bieber.

Okay... Why am I getting bad vibes about this? I reply; Okay listen whoever you are, if I was jobless I would have loved to continue this guessing game but since I'm not, cut the crap.

There! That got him to his place! Who the fuck is he anyway? I again get a reply.


Okay. I'll give you a clue: Remember the party disaster? Hope you enjoyed it thoroughly.

The party? Wait.. Disaster... The world stops.

The. Actual. Fuck

The phone call... Its that bloody guy! The one who called me at the party. The one who threatened me to cease the search for the one behind the fire. The one Lea was talking to. My hands turn cold. My heart beat is frantic. Oh no.. This is bad.. This is really bad. Okay. Calm down. I answer him; Oh it's the arsehole! What's up? Long time, no phone call.

There! Sarcasm- my strongest virtue. Someone honks from behind. "Hey! Move it! Do you bloody plan on staying here?" an annoyed voice yells. FUCK! I immediately drive forward. I got so engrossed in this shit. I again feel my phone vibrating in my hands. I have to find a parking space so that I can reply him. I find a space and park my car. I open the text. Okay. You wanna play this game? Bring it on sucker! Two can play it!


Your sense of humor is without doubt remarkable but I doubt if you'd be able to maintain it at the cost of your loved ones.

Loved ones? SHIT! No.. I immediately reply; Don't bring my family into this! You have a problem with me. Keep it only up to me!

I get a reply; Oh sexy but your family is damn important! They are your weakness which means you'd do anything for their safety.

'Sexy'? Oh Lord! This is absurd! That fucktard! I'm screwed! I'm so fucking screwed! I reply; You wouldn't text me without a purpose so spill the fucking beans. My phone vibrates.


Smart girl. Meet me in Kingston Hall.

What?! Of all the things I expected, he wants to meet me? I'm sure he's planning something. I reply; What if I don't want to meet you? I don't think I have a reason to meet you for all I know this might be one of your dirty schemes.


What if it's at the cost of your family? Would you still not come? And speaking of reason, I'm sure you'd like to know how to stop this once and for all. My dirty schemes? Baby, you have no idea what my schemes are. Meeting the person I'm plotting against is not one of them.

That fucking prick has the guts to threaten me!

At least he isn't telling me to meet him in an isolated place. 'It's a bloody club!' my subconscious hisses at me. Duh! They have bouncers so if he tries to do anything inappropriate, I just have to yell like a damsel in distress. 'Don't even think about it!' she admonishes me. I don't have a choice. He's involving my family now. I can't risk them. I take a deep breathe and reply; Okay. What time?

To be continued...

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