Chapter 35

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"This cannot be happening...." I mutter, pacing around the room.

What is he doing here? Did Justin call him? Or maybe Will? Or he's just paying a little visit?

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Would you stop it?" Will says, irritated.

"Stop what?" I ask, glaring at him.

"This. What your doing now. Stressing yourself."

"Are you fucking shitting me now? Your evil stepbrother is here. Do you get the seriousness of the situation?" I say, angrily.

"I know that." He retorts, rolling his eyes.

"How come you be so calm-"

He glares at me. I shut up.

"Oh God. I'm so clueless. What is he doing here?" I say, running my fingers through my disheveled hair.

"Why are you so restless?" Will asks, observing me.

"The sedatives, probably." I respond, sitting on the bed.

"Do you think Justin..." He breaks off, his eyes widening.

"Called him? No. I don't think so. He despises Alexander. It's Lea's plan. But how and why did she call him here of all places?" I say, my eyes drawn in confusion.

"Because you are here. You can't get out of here for the next couple of days." He responds, sighing.

"And why is that?"

"Your weak and Pattie wouldn't let you out of her sight. So your stuck." He replies, closing eyes.

"Can we go down? I really want to know what's going on." I ask, walking towards the door.

"Your not well Shriya." He says, tiredly.

"That's not going to stop me-"

The door opens and Justin walks in.

"Why are you out of your bed?" He asks, glaring at me.

I stonily look at him.

"Brother, how nice of you to join us." Will retorts sarcastically, leaning against the wall.

Justin ignores him.

"Will, I'm going down. Are you coming?" I ask, looking at him.

"No, I'm not and so are you. Your going to lie down on your bed and try to rest-"

"Who the hell are you to order me around?" I ask, angrily.

"Do you want me to spill the beans, love?" He asks, smirking.

"You wouldn't dare-"

"Yes, I can and I will." He replies, calmly.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Justin asks, barely containing his anger.

Shit. I forgot he was there.

Will's eyes lazily rests on him and he smirks, knowing full well that he has the situation in his palm.

"If you had the brains, which you don't, you wouldn't be asking this now, brother."

"Might I ask what are you doing in my wife's room?" Justin retorts, his eyes menacing.

"The last time I checked, she wasn't your wife, brother but rather someone who you didn't want to associate with anymore because you thought that she had no character." He replies coolly, his eyes blazing.

"And the last time I checked, this wasn't any of your concern." Justin says, his voice holding an undercurrent.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I snap at them.

Justin looks startled at my outburst while Will, as usual, looks amused.


"Stop it Justin. You said what what you wanted to. You said you wanted to do nothing with me and I accept that."

"Can you blame me? My wife goes around fucking other men and you want me to not get affected-"

"Get out. Leave Justin. If that's what you think then it's not worth it. This relationship we have is worth nothing. In fact, I agree with you, we should just keep this arrangement for business purposes." I reply, monotonously.

He looks at me with an unfathomable emotion. I can't bear to look at him.

"Get dressed. We have an unwanted guest. I expect you to be down in five minutes." He orders, brusquely.

After a moment, he walks out, closing the door softly.

I slump down on the bed. 

"How heartbreaking! Such drama! I'm so emotional." He retorts, rolling his eyes.

"Is there nothing you don't find amusing?" I ask, defeated.

"Nothing that comes to mind."

I feel like an overfilled tank. I want to cry and wallow in self-pity. I suddenly feel lightheaded.

"Will. Will, I don't feel good." I whisper, my voice hoarse from unshed tears.

I feel a hand under my chin, lifting my face up and find myself staring into those beautiful violet-blue eyes.

"Breathe. Okay? Just calm down. I'm here. I won't leave you." He says, gently.

"Why are you the way you are? It seems as if you find everything amusing and tragic all at the same time." I say, staring into his eyes.

"Circumstances make you the way you are. I thought you knew that, love." He smiles wryly.

"You seem to have no emotions whatsoever but I've seen you, Will. Your no island." I reply.

"There are some things your afraid of and to protect yourself, you change yourself."

"What are you afraid of?"

He seems startled by my question and a little unsure.

"Don't you have to get ready? I don't want to take more of your time." He says.

"I- Yes. I have to." I reply, looking at him.

"I'll give you space. I'll be outside." He says, walking out.

Puzzled, I look after him. He left so abruptly.

Shaking my head, I get up and walk over to my closet, selecting a soft maroon dress. 


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