The Things You Do To Me

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Author's Note:

I've just gotten back from my business trip in Noida, India (it was all good), and here I am with a new chapter. Now, before we get back to the present, let's travel back in time to when our main characters were ten, shall we? 😊

November 16, 2000

(On the way home from school)

"It's my birthday, I can do whatever I want," Hyungsik declared, dragging me along with his plans.

I rolled my eyes, immediately picking up his predictable proposal. I nodded my head lethargically, pulling my feet across the stone-tiled walkway. As we came to our neighbourhood arcade, I turned the corner and reached out my hands towards the door knob.

"Wait!" Hyungsik's voice rang like a high-pitched bell as he pulled the upper handle of my school bag pack, hauling me a few steps back, "Who says we're going to the arcade?"

My eyeballs were stretched out to its limit.

"Isn't that where you always go? Mr. I-Have-No-Life-Cos-I-Love-To-Play-Games?"

Hyungsik let out a showy laugh, sticking his two hands on both sides of his waist, "Games?? Pfft, games are for small kids. I am a big kid now."

Crossing my arms, I scanned him from the top of his head to the tip of his toe, and decided that Hyungsik's height never did increase for the whole of this year. "Heol (Korean slang for exclaiming shock)! If you're a big kid, then I must be an adult. Don't forget, I'm the one looking down at you, Park Hyungsik."

"My older brother is shorter than your older sister, but he is older than she is. Dad says that our height doesn't necessarily determine who is older," Hyungsik countered with confidence.

"That still doesn't make you a big kid, dork."

"Whatever, nerd."

With his thumb and index finger, Hyungsik formed a letter that represented the loser that he was (at least that was how I interpreted it), on his forehead.

"Now, follow me and don't run off to just any arcade, nerd."

"And where exactly are we going?" I asked out loud, curious.

Hyungsik did not reply, he kept walking, so I held on to my coat and followed his tail. About five minutes into the walk on the same street, he suddenly stopped. I looked up to my right, gawking at the bright red signboard which read SUPER NORAEBANG (noraebang means karaoke, or literally 'song room').

"This is where we're going."

(Room 5 of Super Noraebang)

"Put your bag down, and pick a song, Hyeyeon."

It was my first visit to the noraebang, and I was surprised at how clean and neat this place looked. Not to mention, the mini room seemed magically spacious for four. There was a television at the left from the door, playing some American music videos. Somehow, the video on the television looked cooler in this dim room than it does at home.

As for Hyungsik's words, I responded by doing the former, but not the latter. I took my seat on the beige sofa, had a sip of my Cola, and closed my eyes.

"Ya... This is not a place to sleep," Hyungsik snapped as his fingers fiddled with the remote control.

I kept my eyelids closed, "You have no idea how comfortable it is to sleep here, Sik. This dark room just perfects it."

Hyungsik grabbed the microphone and spoke right through it, making me jump up, "This is not a place to sleep. I repeat, this is not a place to sleep."

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