Treading on Thin Ice, Part II

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May 2017

"You know what? If my fans are still outside, I'm going to thank them. For everything that has just happened."

I didn't miss the look Hyungsik was giving me.

I breathed, "Be careful what you wish for, Sik..."

As soon as the words left my lips, we heard shrieking voices of two high school girls outside the room. Their cries, mixed with panting puffs, sounded dangerously near.

"Are you sure... you saw the Park Hyungsik?" One girl asked the other.

"I think so! He was just here, a moment ago!" The other girl replied positively.

My body trembled at their words, unable to envisage what was to come, should one of them open the door. Hyungsik steadied his gaze on mine, as though telling me that everything was going to be okay.

"Well, he can't be far off..." The first girl reasoned.

"Oppa sure has long legs, doesn't he? Running away at such speed," The second girl laughed out loud.

"Was he alone? Or with his bodyguard?"

"He wasn't alone. There was a lady in a blue dress... Perhaps he's got a female bodyguard? Omo, lucky her!"

I did not feel lucky at all.

There was a pause in their conversation, as we heard pacing footsteps outside. I tried my best to keep my cool, trusting Hyungsik that it was going to be okay.

"Hey, what is this? Is this a door?"

It was getting harder to keep up my composure.

"It sure looks like a door. Could oppa be hiding here?"

"Well... There's only one way to find out..."

At their words, I felt myself turning pale. There was no way out for us now. Worrisome thoughts and images flooded my mind. Hyungsik would be found out by his fans for his "misbehaviour", netizens would make a fuss on the Internet, our pictures would be on those nasty tabloid magazines... My knees went weak at the realization, and the exhausting humidity of the narrow space wasn't at all helping.

Just as the door squeaked, letting in a little bit of light, Hyungsik's arms wrapped tightly around my feeble body. His vigilant and swift movements yanked the both of us into the corner of the room, hidden from the sight of our uninvited visitors. Hyungsik gently stroked my head, burying my face into his chest. With danger looming, I gave up on objecting; taking in his sweaty scent.

As the door opened a little more, Hyungsik and I squeezed a little closer to each other. I was surprised at how safe I felt within his protective hold, despite the perilous state we were obviously in. Hyungsik's breathing was unexpectedly composed, showing no sign of distress. I leaned a little deeper into his frame, safe in his shielding.

"... What are you two school girls doing over there!"

An ahjumma's voice suddenly boomed across the basement car park, directed at her trespassers.

"Crap! Let's run!" The high school girl outside panicked in response to the ahjumma's warning.

As the scenario unfolded, Hyungsik kept his steady grip on me. I did not pull away and I could not pull away. It seemed that the high school girls were chased away, but we weren't so sure about the ahjumma. This was after all, her resting place.

"How dare these young kids mess around with my place! Kids these days..." she murmured with a sneering tone.

At the ahjumma's grumble, I felt Hyungsik let out a silent chuckle. There was a slow vibration across his torso, and I relaxed against him. We too are the young kids messing around with her place.

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