Bachelorette Party

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"I don't like that you are going out like that." Adrian pouts as I walk out of the closet. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "I can just imagine the types of things guys will think. And I won't be there to claim what's mine."

I peck his lips. "If they try anything all I have to do is show them my finger and inform them that I am taken."

Adrian smiles down at me. His hand goes to the back of my navy blue dress and begins to unzip it.

"How about we don't take our chances and instead you stay here with me." His lips go to my neck and giggle.

"But the guys have plans with yo-" the rest of my sentence turns into a moan. "Adrian."

"Mhmm?" His lips moved up to my lips but I placed my hands on his chest to stop him.

"You have your bachelor party to attend and I have my bachelorette party to go to." I state causing him to pout.

"When does your party start?" He asks.

"The girls told me to be ready by seven." I answer.

Adrian smirks. "It's six thirty so that gives us enough time."

He reclaims my lips as he pushes us against a wall. Instinctively I wrap my legs around his torso and his hand fully unzips my dress. My phone starts ringing and Adrian groans in annoyance.

Me: Hello?

Gabby: Hey Jane. We are outside.

Me: Okay I'll be there soon.

"They are here already?" Adrian whines.

"Yeah now zip me up." I turn around and Adrian zips my dress back up. I peck his lips. "We can continue this tomorrow night. After all it's our-"

"Honeymoon night." Adrian answers.

I smirk as I lean to whisper into Adrian's ear. "And I have a little surprise for you."

Adrian pushes me into the wall and lifts my arms above my head as he smashes our lips together. He presses his hard member on me and my smirk widens.

"Don't tease me like that," Adrian states as we pull away. "Or else you aren't leaving this house."

I peck his lips. "The girls are waiting for me."

I walk down the stairs and fix my hair and lipstick before I walk out. I climb into the limousine were Hannah, Sara, Marshall, Amelia, Hayley, Caitlyn, Angelica, and Gabby were.

"You look great Jane." Caitlyn compliments and I throw her a smile.

"I'm surprised my brother even let you out of the house." Angelica comments. "He can be very possessive at times."

"Tell me about it." I reply.

"Jane since this is your last night as an unmarried woman do us the honors of opening the bottle." I take the sparkling  champagne from Marshall and serve everyone a glass. Hannah already had a glass of water seeing that she can't drink.

"Cheers!" Sara states as we all clink our glasses. We giggle as we sit back down in our seats and drink the liquor.

"Jane, is Sebastian single?" Angelica asks and I shake my head.

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