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It had been nearly two weeks since you moved into an amazing apartment. Most of your furnishings and clothes had arrived from your old home in America. Oh and your cat!

Mocha... That little rascal.

You had been unpacking and getting ready for my upcoming school year at Seoul Academy For The Arts: aka SAFTA. One of the best College for the Arts in the World. It was currently late August and Classes start in about a week. You were lucky enough to get a half scholarship.

Everything had been going smoothly, you didn't know what was wrong with the past eight tenants. You hadn't been bothered by the neighbors once. It's like they aren't even there. Weird. You think about paying them visit later after you finish unpacking.

Mocha is already used to everything and already has a hiding place. Mocha is a 5 year old male mocha colored (hence the name) Ragdoll cat. He is pretty easygoing but can get annoyed quickly. But you don't mind, he is your best friend.

Wait. You almost forgot about your best friend back in America. Jennie. She is now attending Yale University, she is super smart (even though she doesn't actually act it sometimes)
So nobody was not surprised that she made it. She plans on visiting you after Christmas and you'll be spending the New Year together! You couldn't wait! But for now you had to concentrate on preparing for school.

After unpacking and some light cleaning, you decided that perhaps you should go introduce yourself to your "loud neighbors".

It still makes you laugh that eight people moved out of here because of them. Even though you haven't heard a single peep from them.

You grabbed your small backpack, placing your phone and keys inside.

"Bye Mocha I'll be back it a bit." You blew a kiss to Mocha, who seems not to care the least bit. "Whatever you grump." You smiled and locked the door behind yourself. You walk down the hotel like hallway looking for another room. The only doors down the hall are closets and storage rooms. Eventually at the other end of the hall you find Apartment C13. You drew a deep breath before knocking. After knocking a few swift but loud raps,  you took a step back and waited.

No answer.

"Okay?" You tried again.

No answer.

"Okay last time " You knocked once more and hear nothing but silence. "Guess no one is home." You sighed slightly disappointed. But then a grumble from your stomach reminds you should probably get something to eat.

You had been hesitate about ordering real korean food.
What did it taste like? Would you even like it?

So instead of taking that risk, you ate at an American inspired Pizza joint down a block. Where they already knew your name and what you likeed on pizza. Which is kinda embarrassing, since you've only been here for a little over a week and a half.

You walked back to your apartment complex with a box of hot pizza.
Mrs. Chan stood in the lobby sorting through some mail. "Oh hello Y/N." She welcomed you. After a week, she decided to skip the formalities. So also told you to address her as Gigi. But out of respect you wanted to call her Mrs. Chan nonetheless.

"How are you this evening?" She asked you. "I am well. You?" Mrs Chan chuckled "The normal, I see you have another pizza?" She glanced down to your hands with the box of pizza. "Yeah. I am, not used to korean food just yet." Which isn't exactly a lie. "Well if you'd like a suggestion, there is a meat restaurant just down the street with the best barbecue."
A smile hinted at your lips "I'll take into consideration"
" Oh and they deliver" She adds trying to convince me. "Haha its good exercise" you shrugged. She waved her free hand around "Psshh. Who needs exercise, you just need to build up a good metabolism." She started to walk away reading mail again.

"Oh wait Mrs. Chan!" You jog up to her "I won't listen until you call me Gigi." This woman... "Fine, Gigi, I have a question." She turns around with a sly smile. "Where have my neighbors been? I haven't heard anything from them and I don't think they are there." She looks surprised for a minute then says "Of course! I forgot!" Huh? What is she talking about?
"Don't worry. You'll meet them soon enough!

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