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"I CLAM THE COUCH!" Vernon ran to one of the couches with a hand full of blankets and pillows. "NO FAIR HANSOL! I CALLED IT HOURS AGO!!!" Seungkwan starts yelling from the hall. Aish. Allways something new with those two.

 Y/N was staying the night since she was locked out and the guys found an opportunity to have a camp out in the living room. Of course everyone agreed even Seungcheol hyung. I was alright with it. As long as we have fun... mohahahaha....

Of course most CARATs and even Seventeen see me as a caring harmless person, but of course they forget the fact that I love pranking  people. And since there is a newbie what better opportunity.....

Of course Y/N and  the rest of Seventeen will never figure out it was me.... they'll think it will be Woozi....

How you ask? I have my ways...

Hey I am not trying to be mean but he can be a little bish sometimes.... Like last week...
Okay I won't get into that but you'll find out what I mean.

- - - -
Everyone settled down and found their sleeping place. They gave you the couch since you was a lady, but honestly you would've been fine sleeping on the ground. But Jeonghan insisted. Dino got the other couch because he was the only one not fighting over it.

It was currently 11:45 PM which was pretty late for them because they said they have to keep a good sleeping schedule. S.Coups said it was okay since tomorrow was Tuesday, they only had a small fan meet in a town not to far away.

"Good night" Jeonghan said sweetly and a chorus of 'good nights' were echoed. And you mean chorus Seungkwan and DK harmonized with each other. Everyone chuckled and said their final 'good nights'
The lights were turned off by Jeonghan.

You lay starring into the darkness processing everything that just happened today... wow.... slowly slip off into dream land.

Huh? What was that? You woke up a little startled by a noise. Probably just one of the boys stirring. It's fine... just go back to sleep Y/N...

Ow. What's on my arms and legs?
You open your eyes, they widen. You were somehow duck taped to the wall. oH. My. Gosh.


Sorry if this chapter is a little short (like me lol)

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