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"So what were you guys joking about earlier?" Vernon asked with a mouth full of pizza. "Watch you manners Chwe!" Seungkwan smacked Vernon's wrist. Vernon grabbed it in a fake hurt and pouted at his dongsaeng. Seungkwan smiled and folded his hands and rested on them in a petty way. "So what where you talking about?" You laughed a little. You couldn't even remember what started it.

"Eh I don't remember" You pick up a piece of of pizza. "You had to remember, you guys were laughing so much, it must have been something funny" DK adds to Seungkwan's forces.

"Well, you know how sometimes you just laugh and you can't stop or remember what it was that started it?" Woozi tried to make them relate. "Oh." Seungkwan pursed his lips, having nothing else to combat with. You and the rest of Seventeen chuckled "Thats our 'Diva Boo' for you" Mingyu laughed. Diva Boo?

"Diva Boo huh?" You asked in a teasing manner making Woozi a little proud of you. "Stop it! Y/N I thought you were on my side?!" Seungkwan cried out dramatically. "That was with the shampoo." Hoshi smirked "You guys are all so mean! Y/N what happened to you!" Seungkwan asked you. "I think she hung out with Woozi-ah too long..." Wonwoo said with a faint smile on his lips.

"I knew this would happen!" Seungkwan aka Diva Boo threw his hands in the air "If Vernon didn't stay behind like he was supposed to..." His eyes narrowed at his bandmate. "Hey don't bring me into this! I didn't know you guys where leaving yet! I wanted to go with too!" He defended himself. "Well you probably could've but your horrible bladder had to relieve itself!" "HA! Says the one with explosive diarrhea!"

Okay now Seungkwan was offended. "How dare you!" The two kept arguing and soon they somehow got to the point of blaming each other for everything. Soon everyone (All but The8 and DK who wanted to record them) lost interest and settled down to watch a movie. "Ehh, okay what should we watch?" Asked S.Coups who sat between you and Mingyu. "Do you guys have Netflix?" You ask.


"YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW WHAT NETFLIX IS!!!" You yelled, clearly disturbed. "I mean I've heard of it but I don't know what it's for..." Hoshi said shyly (Probably because of the outburst) "Okay. Sorry for yelling but it is awesome! I can't believe you don't have it." You grabbed the remote from S.Coups and go though the TV apps. "Ah-ha here it is!" You click on it. Okay sooo I sound a little crazy.

But Netflix has been a companion of yours since 8th grade. "Soo what do you do?" Jun asks watching the load screen. "Well, you can watch TV shows, Movies!" You reply "Oh and you know what! The best are the Netflix originals! Like oH! 13 reasons why, Fuller House, Stranger Things..." you start listing off my favorites. Finally it loaded!"I'll let you guys use my account for a bit." You put you info in "So what do you guys want to watch?"

Jihoon laughed inwardly. Y/N and his bandmates started debated whether to watch a RomCom or action. Surprisingly enough most of them agreed with Y/N on Action. Yes Action. It was actually Jun who wanted to watch a chick flick and Y/N who thought it would be cool to watch an action movie. Since most of the SEVENTEEN members where fools for love and anything cute, Jihoon thought for sure they would agree Jun. As of right now Y/N, Jeonghan, Dino, Vernon, Mingyu, DK and The8 wanted action and Jun, Hoshi, S.Coups and Seungkwan (who finally stopped fighting with Hansol)

But Joshua, Wonwoo and Jihoon where undecided. All for different motives. Joshua didn't like the swearing in action or the bad jokes and inappropriate moments in Romance Comedies, and Jihoon wasn't as bothered by them, he was just thought they were weird.

Wonwoo wanted to watch a mystery. But was quickly shot down by everyone else.

And as for Jihoon... he just didn't care. He'd probably end up wrapped in thought or fall asleep.

"Okay who ever wants to watch a Romantic Comedy raise their hand!" Jun raised his hand alone.

Looks like Action won his team over. Haha, weaklings.

Y/N and The8 started looking though Netflix for Action movies. Jihoon thought it was entertaining seeing her get all flustered because they didn't know what Netflix was.

He though it was kinda cool to see Y/N to stand up for something she loved so boldly. Even if it was just a movie streaming app. He thought it was cute seeing her interact with everyone.


What am I saying. I am way to straight forward.

Damn it.

I wish I could stop.

We literally JUST met! Snap out of it Jihoon!I guess Y/N is just a very likable person.

Heh, I wish I was. Maybe SEVENTEEN would actually listen to me....Hah as if. Good one Jihoon...

Good one...

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