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You walk down the now familiar hallway thinkinh about how odd everything has kinda worked out so far. It's pretty nice. You met a lot of great people and found a good pizza place... What more could a person ask for?!

Wait. What time is it? You grab your phone out of your hoodie pocket that you wore to school. 12:29 AM

Wow okay. I didn't know stayed that late!

You wanted to get some studying done in the study hall because you had a big test coming up on the 4th. Which is in two days... Correction tomorrow.

You let out a sigh as you walk past Seventeens dorm door. You didn't hear anything, so hopefully their getting some well needed sleep.

As you walk past it you notice in the dim lighting of the hall, a figure in black approaching from the stair case....

- - - -
His legs ached as he dragged them up each step. Sure he could take the newly fixed elevator. But he needed to wake up a bit so a little exercise won't hurt.

He forgot we live on the 6th floor. Their dorm name was deceiving. When Pledis first let us look around for housing, Mr. Chan who worked for Pledis at the time had a newly renovated building that they would be renting out soon. Since the CEO knew and was good friends with Mr. Chang he agreed. There was originally 4 rooms on this floor but Pleids paid for 3 of the rooms to be conjoined. And that messed up the numbers so the first two floors were A1-A18 would be the next two floors and then B1-14. The last two C1-13. If that makes any sense...

"Finally" he thought as he took the last step.
He rounded the corner and at this point he didn't have much walking left. He didn't notice someone approaching. His eyes were dull from staring at a screen for the past 24 hours. He hardly recognize the person. "Jihoon? Is that you?" A feminine voice asked. He stopped and turned around to see Y/N.

"What are you doing out so late?" Jihoon inquired "Thats what I should be asking you Jihoon. You look like you haven't slept for the past 5 years." He let out a soft laugh "Pretty much. I am okay though." She looks at him straight in the eyes with concern. "I promise I am fine. Nothing you should be bothered with." He smiled reassuringly. She sighed "I worry about you guys. I read that some Idols have Heath accidents before comebacks because of stress and lack of proper food diets."

I guess she has been doing her research...

"We're fine. We are actually doing really well and we're ahead of schedule by a week so we're doing great." He faked a smile. The only reason we are ahead of schedule is because we've been working our asses off. I've been pulling all nighters and some times don't sleep for days. And Hoshi wakes up super early to work on dance moves. We all have been working really hard.

He didn't want her to find out the truth so Jihoom quickly changed the subject.

"Hey where did you get that sweater?" Y/N looked down. "Jihoon! I am so sorry I forgot to give this back!" She apologies. "It's alright Y/N-ah. I looks good keep it." He sacrificed hid favorite blue hoodie.

"A-Are you sure?" She asks and he nodded at "Yeah totally" she smiles gently.

"How is the music turning out?" Y/N asked "Uhh... Pretty well. I like the way it goes along with all of our previous songs." She nods "Nice"

A random thought comes to his head and before he had time to think it over the words already rolled off his lips. "Hey do you want to come to the studio sometime and I can show you somethings?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement "Really? That would be amazing!"

Jihoon scratched the back of his head "I mean I would have to ask the manager and stuff but I think we could totally do it sometime"

"I would love that Oppa." Y/N flashed a brilliant and contagious smile. "Here let's exchange numbers! So we can keep in touch" she handed him her cell phone with a cute red panda case. He gave her my phone in return and they both put their numbers in each other's phone. He handed Y/N her phone back and she smiles as she taps on the screen smiling.

"What are you grinning about?" Jihoon ask. She pulls her phone back "I am just setting your contact name."

Contact name?

Apparently his (face thanks to the little sleep he's gotten) reviled his thoughts and Y/N explained "Like a nickname for your friends. So when you call or text them that name pops up." She shows him her phone contact list that showed a bunch of weird nicknames like "Jiggly legs" "Swagggy Maggie" most of them where in English so he couldn't read them all but he supposed they are weird like the others.

He nodded "Riggght." "You have contact nicknames right?" She peers over. His contact list in bland in comparison to hers. "'Kim Mingyu'? Really that is just his name." She gave him a deadpan expression.

"What? All I need is to know who I am talking to. Nothing fancy." Y/N sighed dramatically "But it is fun to be fancy..." he chuckled a little bit "At least give me a nickname" she practically begs. "Okay fine..." Jihoon taped a few characters in English and showed her. "Sweater Stealer... Really Jihoon?" She pouts. He added a small blue heart at the end and she smiles a little.

"Can we take a picture?"




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Ahhh I love this chapter. I think I did a pretty good job😂😂

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