T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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T H I R T Y - T H R E E

"Like I said in the past, some people will be filed into groups or solos." Mrs Young spoke from the lit stage. "So for those of you who would like to participate,  come to this auditorium on the 28th at 9:30 am for casting, and will decide where you will be placed." Y/N squirmed in her seat excited for the next days events. "You all will be singing the same song we have practiced for the last month, so you all have an equal opportunity." Mrs Young looked down at the college students with a smile "That is all. Thank you for your time. Enjoy your holiday break." and with that she exited the stage.

Y/N doubted she would get a solo, even as hard as she worked, she didn't think her voice to be half as good as most the music students. But still nothing would put a damper on her great mood today. Since it was the official start of her three week long winter break.
She was finally Free!

Excited she texted Woozi.


Y/N: Guess what?

♡Jihoonie♡: you grew an inch?

Y/N: shut up shortie

♡Jihoonie♡: lol who you calling shortie?

♡Jihoonie♡: You're a few good inches shorter then me.

Y/N: I'm still growing -_-

♡Jihoonie♡: Sureee

♡Jihoonie♡: Okay so what did you want?

Y/N: Oh right.

Y/N: It's officially my holiday breakkkkk!!!!!!

♡Jihoonie♡: oh nice.

♡Jihoonie♡: Does that mean your going back to the states?

Y/N: No cause I'm broke lol

Y/N: I may have a friend visiting though!

♡Jihoonie♡: Is it a guy?

Y/N: no its a girl.

Y/N: why?

♡Jihoonie♡: no reason.

Y/N: Are you jealous Lee Jihoon?

♡Jihoonie♡: no.

Y/N: Convincing.

♡Jihoonie♡: I'm going back to Busan for Christmas, so I won't be here to protect you from creeps.

Y/N: Protect me from creeps? What creeps?

♡Jihoonie♡: Wen Junhui.

♡Jihoonie♡: Kwon Soonyoung.

♡Jihoonie♡: Kim Mingyu.

♡Jihoonie♡: Chwe Hansol.

Y/N: those are just your friends.

♡Jihoonie♡: Exactly.

Y/N: Are they your biggest threats? Lol

♡Jihoonie♡: I just don't like when your around
flirtatious people.

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