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Aish... I just want today to be over.

I just want to sleep. This week has been long and tiring. Saying that we just got back from our tour and I am still kinda getting used to the time differences.

"Hey who is in here?" Jihoon knocked on the secondary bathroom door. No response.

He heard the shower running but nobody is answering. He figured it was probably just Joshua taking his four hour long showers that uses all of their hot water. Since no girls live there we don't have locks on the doors so we can just walk in and brush my teeth real quick. He listens just to make sure his hyung didn't get out of the shower. Nope still in. Jihoon opened the door and looked himself over in the mirror.

Aish. My dark circles have gotten worse. Shesh.

He scrubbed his face with cold water and wiped the water off with his sweater sleeve.

Suddenly the water stops.

Oh Crap.

He didn't look but in the corner of his eye he can she a hand grab a towel. And then the shower curtain pulls back...





What the hell! Why is she here?!

Did everyone else know she was here?

And if they did,WHY didn't anyone tell me!?

His face reddens as he realized she is only wearing a towel. She immediately ducks inside the shower stall and  he got the hell out of there.


"We forgot?" Hoshi hyung shrugged. "THAT'S YOUR EXCUSE!?" Anger flared in Jihoon's dark eyes as he shouted. "Didn't you knock?" Minghao asked. "OF COURSE I KNOCKED!" Seungcheol and the other Hyungs walked in "Woah. Woah calm down Woozi-ah" Seungcheol-Hyung gestures a calming motion "What happened?" Jeonghan asked looking around.

Nobody says anything.

"Woozi -Hyung saw Y/N half naked!" Dino says quickly and runs out of the room immaturity. 

Really? That helps a whole lot...

"You WHAT!?" Seungcheol-Hyung looks angrily at Jihoon "Not on purpose! She had a towel!"

"You saw get out of the shower!" Wonwoo eyes open wider. "No! I mean yes. I mean! AH" Jihoon was at a loss of correct words to use. "Okay everyone but Woozi and the Hyungs leave." Seungcheol-Hyung points to the kitchen door.

Soon only him, Jeonghan, Joshua, Wonwoo, Jun, Hoshi and Jihoon are left in the kitchen. "Okay." He starts and runs a hand though his hair "Start from the beginning." Jihoon begins to recount everything that happened.

Everyone stays quiet...

"Alright. It's not as bad as we thought" Joshua starts "Yeah, that's not what I thought happend." Wonwoo adds. "From what you say, hopefully Y/N will still be okay with staying here."

Excuse. Me.What. Now?

"Staying here? Wh-why would Y/N be staying here?" Jihoon asked still angry. "Oh. Did anyone tell Woozi what happened?" Joshua asks Seungcheol "What happened?" Jihoon demands and answer from his hyungs.

"Well, Meli didn't know where Gigi kept her spares. Nobody does but Gigi. And since Gigi is out of town we are out of luck." Hoshi explains. "And she doesn't have any friends or family over here, so she is staying until tomorrow afternoon."
- - - -
Later that afternoon, You and the hyungs, all but Woozi (who was still too embarrassed) talked to you about what happened earlier. "It's was no big deal. Embarrassing. Yes, but I'll be okay." You told them. After apologizing you all settled down and started a movie marathon.

Their two couches where filled and some even sat on the floor. Everyone had pillows and blankets. You ended up sitting between Minghao and Hoshi. Since you haven't seen these movies yet, Hoshi explained them both to you and Minghao.

After watching two movies it was around 7 at night and all of you where hungry "What should we get to eat?" Seungcheol asked as he stretched "Cause I know nobody wants to cook" Everyone agreed. "Well if you guys like pizza, I know a pretty good American pizza place down the way." At the word pizza everyone instantly agreed.

So you guys ended up buying 10 large pizzas and breadsticks. "Okay who wants to go pick it up with me?" Seungcheol asked as he put his jacket on. You couldn't leave for fear of starting a scandal. So you stayed along with Woozi and Vernon. Okay Vernon didn't actually know they left. He was in the bathroom and by the time he came out they where gone. "They left without me!?" He grabbed a hoodie and claimed he was going after them.

Leaving you and Woozi.

At the dorm.





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