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"Stop laughing all of you." Jeonghan gestured to you "It's no way to treat a lady or your Hyung." Your face slightly reddened, not from embarrassment but from the way he addressed you. Nobody has ever called me a lady or has stood up for you like that...





"Hey where do you think you are going!"

Gabby grabbed your hair and pulled you back "Didn't I say to stop talking to my boyfriend!" The rude girl pushed Y/N into the lockers "Huh! Didn't I tell you!" She slapped your face knocking you to the ground. You thought for sure somebody would stop her, but all your classmates just watched or pretended not to see the older girl beat you up. "Answer me!" She kicked you in the stomach. Your doubled down in pain, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. "Gabby, please stop..." You pleaded weekly. "Ha! As if!" She kicked you again with no mercy. This was not a uncommon thing. Gabby was a very angry person. And she usually took it out on you- Her younger, weaker cousin. You didn't dare tell your parents or hers, you were too scared of her. More than once she threatened to kill you. The worst part was she always got away with it....
Because you were too scared...

And nobody said anything...




[Flashback over]

"Y/N? Are you okay? You got really pale all of a sudden" someone waved a hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your daydream (more like nightmare) "Yeah you don't look too well" Hoshi agrees as he takes your arm. "Oh sorry I guess i didn't realized I just blanked out there for a moment." You apologized. "No need for apologizing Y/N-ah!" Hoshi smiles, you try to return it but the memories are still to fresh in your head...

"Hey where did everyone go?" Mingyu asks coming up the stairs with wads of paper towel in hand. "Wonwoo took them back to the dorm." Hoshi explains to Mingyu who handed you and Woozi some paper towels. You thanked him and start to clean yourself off. Why did you have to wear white?! Jeonghan and Hoshi start to pick up the now mostly empty plastic cups off the landing floor and Mingyu and start to wipe it up.

"No, you guys shouldn't do that! It was my fault! I should be the one cleaning that up!" You dropped to the floor. Hoshi grabbed your wrist to stop you from picking up a cup "No, no! It wasn't your fault and no you shouldn't be cleaning it" you blush a little and turn away.

"Fine but at least let me throw the cups out and I can buy you guys some more coffee!" You offer feeling bad. "No its alright, you and Woozi should be changing out of those clothes before they stain permanently" S.Coups points up the stairs. Woozi who has now finished wiping his pants off looked over at you. Your gazes hold for a minute before Hoshi giggles "I don't think that's what Hyung means... After all shouldn't you get to know each other a little more."  Both of your faces redden and you turn away. That's definitely not what I thought. Until Hoshi said that... Thanks Hoshi...

"Hoshi stop making lewd comments like that!" Jeonghan hits Hoshi's head lightly but meaningly, Hoshi pretending to be hurt. "Seungcheol does have a point though. Those clothes will never be the same if you don't wash them right away" Jeonghan stands up. "Your right. I should go change" you bowed a little "Thank you Oppas. I am sorry for any problems I caused" they bow back and Mingyu speaks up "You didn't cause us any problems. Right Woozi Hyung?" he looks over to Woozi who was staring off in the distance. "Oh, ah yeah... no problems" His voice was almost a whisper. "Can we escort you to your dorm?" Jeonghan asks and you nodded. You all make our up the flights of stairs. You make small talk until we reach your room.

"Thank you guys, I am sorry for everything" you apologized again feeling bad. "No worries Y/N, it was great to see you again" Seungcheol smiled and you returned it weekly. You all said your goodbyes and they walk back to their dorm.
You smile to youself. Those boys are so sweet.

You go to grab your....






You jingled the door knob angrily.  This can't be happening.
But still it's... Locked.

You look up embarrassed. "Um guys..." you call to them and they were almost are at their dorm. "I don't have my key..."

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