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Well this wasn't awkward at all...

You and Woozi sat on the same couch on either ends watching TV while we waited for the rest for Seventeen to come back from picking up pizza.

It's only been a few hours after that extremely awkward incident. 

And the awkwardness still lay in the air.

With utterly nothing to do you pulled out your phone and looked at your social media. You looked over at Woozi every once awhile. He doesn't seem to notice the least. He is too focused on the drama playing. After minutes of mindless scrolling through feed, you turned off your phone and watch the drama. 

Just then the two main characters kiss. 

Aish...of course...

You realized it was probably the last episode and from what you've seen (not just the kissing part) it seems pretty good.

"Hey, what is the title of this drama?" You asked casually. His eyes don't leave the TV "it's okay,that's love." 

"What?" You sit up slightly confused "What are you talking about?" 

He looks over at you "You asked about the title 'It's Okay, That's Love.'" 

Ohhhhh. I'm an air head sometimes.

"I haven't heard of it before, is it good?" You ask still watching "Yeah, it's pretty good. It's had good ratings and EXO's D.O plays Han Kang Woo."

"Who is EXO?" He turns over to look at you like you just asked if you need air to breath."You seriously don't know EXO?!" You're a little startled by his reply and you shrugged in response "Is it KPOP? Because I don't know much about KPOP. I didn't know who you guys where before I meet you all."

"Really?" He asked still paying attention to the drama. "Yeahhhh" you scratch my head embarrassed. "It's okay. It's kinda nice actually." He lays his head back on his arms. "We can't even go out that much because people recognize us. I mean not that I would want to go outside or anything." He closes his eyes.

"That's probably not very fun" you comment "Nah, we're used to it" the he sits up a little "at least. I am." 

After that we stop talking and watch TV. Soon though there is an ad break. Leaving us both bored. "Sooo, Woozi..." you start but he interrupted "You can call me Jihoon." He looks over. You were shocked by his straightforward attitude. "I-I mean if you want to. Woozi is just my stage name and I prefer people to call me Jihoon." 

Jihoon Huh?

"What about your bandmates?" he shrugs "I guess they like calling me Woozi. But I still like Jihoon better." He smiles a little. Oh god. That smile. I've seen him smiling on the the Internet. But this one seemed real. 


Your heart flutters a little. Trying to gain composer before you let out a shaky reply "Okay... Jihoon it is"

You both start to make small talk and end up talking about music and your jobs and school.

"Writing and composing is my favorite part." He says with now a lightness to his voice that wasn't there before. "I like Writing too. And dancing is fun. But I am not to good at composing." You admit. 

"Well if you ever needed some help and if I am not busy, you could always ask me." Jihoon offered, making a smile hinted at your lips "Okay, that's sounds fun. Thanks you're really nice."  he chuckles a little and sits back again "Yeah, The boys don't think so." "Huh? Why not? Your a great person." You asked "Thanks, but I am different when working with the boys. I have to be." 

"I know how that is. I'm a have little siblings."

"Really? That must be nice. I never had siblings. Just my dad, mom and me..." He sighs a little "Hey, I bet these guys are like family though." You try to cheer him up. "Yeah. They can be like annoying younger siblings,not that I know but..." He laughs.

The drama turns back on.

But he continued speaking "I know Hoshi Hyung already said this but, we can try dancing some time, you know practicing some choreography. Or you can watch us practice." 

You laugh and his cheerfulness starts to fade "what?" He asked and you stopped laughing "Hoshi Oppa said you and Seungwan Oppa where the worst dancers." His face starts to reding "That little bastard." He stands up "I am one of the best dancers! I was going to be in the performance unit if it wasn't for my great voice and music skills!" He gets a little angry "I am sure you are a great dancer Jihoon Oppa."

"Thanks Y/N." he smiles then quickly bows  "Oh sorry! I forgot to use formalities!" You were a little startled but then remember how important formalities were in Korea. "It's okay Jihoon Oppa. You don't need to give me formalities." You smiled warmly. 

He sinks back into the couch but closer to you this time. And you both watch the drama together. 

"It's kinda nice to talk with someone like minded." Jihoon glances over "Huh?" He sits closer "Everyone usual argues with me cause they don't see things the way I do." You smile at him, glad he started opening up a little. "You know?" His full attention now on you. "Well, technically I am a little shorter than you so I see things a lot lower but I am closest to your height, so I see things similar to you." You joke and he lunges forward and tries to tickle you "Why you!"  You stood up and ran "Noooo!" He ran after you. A lost faster then you imagined.

Sure, they showed you around but you didn't know this place as well as Jihoon so he turns corners more comfortably and his longer legs are an advantage. He almost caught you a few times but you were running at full speed and he was practically jogging. Soon you both just make a full circle back to the living room. You collapse on the couch panting and laughing. Soon you were both laughing to the point you where clutching your stomachs.

The front door opened and the rest of Seventeen flooded in. It sounds like they were arguing about something or another but You and Jihoon were still laughing and catching your breaths. They stop and all look at you two giggling like children.

"Ahhhh.... What happened within a half hour that you two are both like this?" DK asks saying what everyone was thinking. That alone made you laugh more. "Okkaaay then...." Mingyu walked to the table with pizzas in hand followed by Wonwoo and Seungcheol. "Well I am glad you two worked everything out," Jeonghan smiled as your laughs start to fade. "Yeah it's nice to see Woozi laughing with someone" Joshua adds. You both smile. It was nice. Then Vernon ruined it. "Yeah they get along because of their height!" Jihoon stands up swiftly and with a wild look in his eyes "YOUR GONNA REGRET THAT HANSOL!" He runs at Vernon now frightened for his life "Ahhh!"

Hoshi rolled his eyes and sat next to you. "I am glad you and Woozi-ah got along." You smile back "Yeah he is really nice." Hoshi laughed a little "Yeah to you maybe. But it's nice to see, he really isn't close to anyone particular."

"SEUNGCHEOL-HYUNG HELP WOOZI HYUNG IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" Vernon ran and ducked behind Seungcheol. Woozi was only a few feet behind with a guitar in hand. Seungcheol gave him a questioning brow. "I didn't touch him." Vernon who was hiding peeked out "You where trying to freakn' kill me!" Everyone laughs including Woozi who looked over at you. You smiled warmly.

It was at this point in time you realized...maybe, just maybe... you found a friend.


Sorry if everything seems rushed but it isnt, trust me.

This is like how me and my friend started talking, but I was at my cousins birthday party and me and this girl i only met once wheni was younger, where watching TV while everyone went to watch a video in the kitchen and we start joking about the show and it turned out me and the girl had a lot in common. That happened like 6 years ago and even though she moved we are still best friends. ❤

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