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Huh? Y/N?
Jihoon's mind was fuzzy but he could still make out Y/N's voice. He opened his eyes groggly. There is sudden commotion and laughter. 


Okay seriously. What is happening?

He stood up, groaning from the effort. Why did I sleep on the ground...

What time is it?

It still feels pretty early.

 "JINJIHAGE!! (seriously) I HATE YOU ALL!" 

Woah. What did those idiots do now?

Jihoon turned the corner towards the room he shared with Hoshi, Wonwoo, Dino and Jun.

Surprisingly everyone is there. Including Y/N, who is taped to the wall?


"It had to be Woozi!" Seugkwan pointed Jihoon's direction as soon as he saw him.  Jihoon blinked few times.

"What did I do?" He asked completely confused.

"Look he is acting all angelic! He totally did it!" 

Huh? Bro did I not just say I didn't do whatever he was blaming me on. 

Jihoon's eyes go to Y/N  who was literally stuck high up on a wall. Everyone started talking amongst themselves. It's too early for all their crap.

"Guys! I don't care who put me up here at the moment! I just want to get down!" Y/N yells. "Oh right of course" Mingyu is the first to speak up and help Y/N. The rest of SEVENTEEN helps Y/N down. Jeonghan stops removing the tape off of Y/N and looks over at Jihoon. 

"You know, Seungkwan-ah can be pretty crazy sometimes..." He starts and Seungkwan waves his hand proudly "Why thank you.. Wait! Hey!" He grew angry at Jeonghan's slick comment. "Buuut. He might not be totally wrong." He starts to pace and everyone looks over at him. He acts like he is thinking real hard. "It could have been Woozi-ah, who taped lady Y/N to the wall."

wHAt? How would I do that!? I am not that mean! And I would never do that to any female! 

"I just woke up! How did I do this?! Why would I do this?!" I yell not caring about what anyone thinks.

"It makes sense. You love making fun of people." 


You got to be kidding me Hyung... 

"You could have done it last night when she was asleep and venerable."

He just keeps adding. 

"You love being taller then some people. And Y/N is shorter then yourself so you wanted to make yourself feel good and make fun of her."

Okay this is just BS now, Hyung...

"Okay first no. I am not mean like that!" Jihoon started but heard a few disagree. 

"I am nice to new people! I don't make fun of people for no reason! And just because she is shorter then me doesn't mean I wanna freaking make fun of her like that!" 

Everyone just looks at him.

"Then who did it?" Seungkwan asks Jihoon. "I just freaking woke up! Like I know!"

- - - -

I just want to get down. 

I don't care who did what. Earlier I was mad but now I just want to get down. 

"Hey can I just get down. i have school soon." You look at everyone and they all turn back to you. Without any words they all start to strip the duck tape off again.

There was easily 10 layers of green neon tape that strapped you against the wall. "Hey why don't we just cut it?" The8 asks. "Yeah that would work better." Vernon agreed "But what about Y/N? She could accidentally be cut"  Jeonghan says with full concern. 

"I am good with a knife." Jihoon pulls out a small pocket knife. "Yah! How did Pledis let you have that!? WHEN did Pledis let you have that!!!" Mingyu jumps back and ducks behind the closest person.

"They don't know. It was a gift from my parents when I turned 10." Jihoon opened the knife and started playing and twisting it though his talented fingers. "Oh!! Can I see!!!" The8 runs up like a little kid at the sight of a weapon. 

"Why did your parents give an unstable 10 year old psychopath a knife?" Seungkwan commented under his breath.

"I always knew you where a violent little child." Vernon says with his hands on his hips. Jihoon gave him a death stare. "Did you just call me 'little child'." Vernon backs up a little. "First Hansol. I am your Hyung. Second I am not a child!" Jihoon looked over at him a little mad. But then he shook it off and gestured over to Wonwoo, Jun and Mingyu. 

Wonwoo and Mingyu walk up to you each taking a arm. Jun held your waist against the wall so you don't fall. "Heh. Sorry if this is weird." Jun gave you an awkward smile. "It's okay. I am just going to kill whoever did this." Wonwoo laughs a little at your sarcasm. While Jihoon holds your left leg and cuts the tape carefully.

"Alright I am about to cut the last major one, Okay? Get ready." Jihoon says a few minutes later and Wonwoo and Mingyu push against your arms so you won't fall as soon as he cuts it.

"1...2...3!" With a quick slice you feel your body freed from the wall. Wonwoo, Jun and Mingyu catch you and lower you down to the ground.

"Thanks Jihoon Oppa." You thank him. "No problem." He bowed slightly and put his knife away. 

S.Coups looks over at him and between you with a odd face. "What." Jihoon asks with a deadpan expression. Whatever the leader was thinking about Joshua quickly caught on."Oh nothing." He says with a slight smile. 

- - - -
Oh goodness. I don't think he even realized it.

So adorable. I am fanboying right now. 

Woozi only lets people he is close to like *cough* his mom *cough* call him 'Jihoon' and Y/N called him it without a second thought! Ahhh!!!!! 

I actually totally ship them!

I've seen enough Anime to know this is how great romances start!

 Yes, they hardly know each other think with some time they'll know and like each other more.

And it perfect because she is shorter then him and she is a song writer and wants to be a music composer!

They are perfect for each other! Plus they both have adorable baby faces. Just don't tell them I said that. Woozi would kill me.

Hey guys thanks for reading! Make sure you vote and share with your friends!

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