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"And that is why we do not let Seungkwan help choreograph our dances.

Hoshi finished his story and everyone agreed with a laugh. All but Seungkwan that is.

The members of Seventeen and Y/N sat scattered between the kitchen and family room to eat breakfast before Y/N left. It was around 6:24am and she had to leave in a little over an hour.

Seungkwan just sat giving them all a deadpan expression. "He can't be that bad. Hoshi oppa you said Jihoon wasn't good, but he is actually pretty good." Y/N gestured to Woozi.

Although Y/N told him what his hyung said earlier he still turned his head slowly with a evil smirk as if Y/N reminded him to punish Hoshi. Hoshi stopped eating clearly disturbed by Woozi's facial expression. He gulped trying to hide his ever present fear.

"Yeah. I am not that bad! Watch!" Seungkwan rose dramatically and stuck a pose "Yo, Give me a beat Dekyeom." He snapped his fingers and DK started half humming/singing Orange Caramel's "Catallaena" theme. Seungkwan threw his head up and started dancing the girl groups dance by heart. "Yess. HA!" DK screamed and Seungkwan followed suit only louder.

- - - -
How am I not surprised this would happen. It started with Seungkwan, now it is all of Seventeen annnnnnnnd Y/N...

Now all the furniture was pushed to the side and Everyone but Jihoon were dancing the somewhat cheesy girl groups dances.

Jihoon was a little surprised that Y/N joined in. Even she doesn't know much about the Korean world of music and dance but she caught on and pretty quickly.

And now they were teaching her Apink's "No No No" Everyone looked like they were having fun.

Suddenly Y/N skipped over to Jihoon and grabbed his hand. "Com'on your dancing too Jihoon Oppa!" She laughed "But I really don't want to." He protest. "Yah! I don't care. Your dancing." Her grip tightened. For being so small Y/N is super strong. Ow. Yup. It's not worth it to fight it.

Everyone starts whistling and cheering when Y/N drags Jihoon, Literally drags him to the middle of the room. "Holiday" from Girls Generation starts playing though the speakers that where set up by Joshua. "Let's free style!" Hoshi yells followed by cheers. Y/N starts some weird dance and Seungkwan copies her and they start dancing together. As Jihoon stand there, Vernom grabs Y/N away from Seungkwan and flashes her a charming smile. Really? F-off Vernon.

Mingyu grabs her hand and old fashioned danced with her. Soon everyone was basically was fighting over Y/N as their dance partner. And Jun is the now successor and is now dancing with her. They both look like their having fun.

But Y/N still managed to look over and wave hand gesturing for Jihoon to join them.

He shake my head, he didn't feel like dancing. At all. "Jihoon get your butt over here!" She laughed. "Yeah, come on Jihoooooonnn" Vernon mimicked a girl voice and batted his eyes.

Okay now he is number one on my hit list....

- - - -
"Your next." Jihoon pointed at Vernon seriously. Then he did what no one thought he was going to do. He danced. Everyone's jaws literally dropped. Dino ran over to Joshua's phone that was connected to the speakers and soon 'Smooth Criminal' started playing. Jihoon gave him a smug grin and they both started busting Jackson moves.

You watched in awe of how good they were. Until you were pushed to the middle of the 'dance floor' by none other then Vernon.

You could only stand there until common sense took control. Can you even call it common sense? Whatever.

You joined the older boys dancing. And it was fun until...

"Whoever is gets stops dancing first gets to buy everyone dinner!" S.Coups yelled and everyone cheered.

This meant war.

They were clearly leading but you weren't going give up that easy now was you?

And nether was Jihoon or Dino.

Song after song played but none of us lost stamina.

After around the 1000th (not literally, but that's what it felt like...) song Dino forfeited. But S.Coups said he didn't have to pay, and whoever lost between me and Woozi would.

You saw the determination in Jihoon eyes. And you could only hope he saw yours. No way in the world was I going to lose this one.

But then. A very sensual yet catchy song in English started playing. Jihoon had a devilish look in his eyes like he fully understood it. You started to panic and glance over towards Joshua who understands the situation fully rushes to his phone. But he was unable to stop it for some reason.

Oh this is how I die. I just know it.

He sensually started to walk slowly over to you.

Nope. Stop. Stop. Ah. Stop. Dont even. Just Stop! STOP!

Jihoon starts to corner you, sensing your panic.
You back up and yell "I GIVE UP!" Jihoon face changed into a smile and started laughing. In fact all of Seventeen started bursted out in laughs.

You hid your face in your hands, imagining you were probably beet red now.

Joshua came up to you and put a hand on my shoulder "Sorry you had to hear and see that Y/N."

"Y/N? Are you okay? Are you okay Y/N-ie?" Hoshi ran up then was joined by Dino "You've been it hit by *da da* a Smooth Criminal."

I hate you all.


Argh. I haven't posted lately. I've just been to busy and Change up and Trauma came out. Which they are amazing and I died...

I should be posting chapter 15 fairly soon like tomorrow or Thursday.

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