19- Close Friends

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Word Count: 2196

HEARTBROKEN IS A word you could use to describe how you felt. Once upon a time you had your life together and you felt as happy as you could be. But one day when you were waiting for your boyfriend to come over to study with you, things went south. He never showed, and two hours past the initial meet-up time, you decided to head out for a walk.

You didn't expect much out of it, just a nice way of cooling down and thinking. It was never like him to skip out on seeing you and spending time with you, but recently that's all he had been doing. He never put in 100% like he used to, and it saddened you.

On your walk you walked down roads you never really knew before, and although you knew how stupid it was to walk alone in an area you didn't know, you didn't really care.

You turned down a certain road and then walked past an alleyway, and if there hadn't been a familiar chuckle, and a somewhat similar giggle, you wouldn't have looked down it. You wanted to say you were thankful for looking down it that day, but there was also a part of you that seriously wished you hadn't. It would've saved you so much heartbreak.

"Peter? Michelle?"

They turned around and their mouths fell open. Peter rushed over to you with his arms out and offered a hug, but you backed away.

"We were supposed to be studying right now. Where were you? Were you here with her the whole time?"

     His face resembled an expression you weren't familiar with and he said, "___, it's not what it looks like. We were just—"

     You looked at Michelle behind him, then looked at him and cut him off.

     "You've stood me up so many times in the past month, and now I finally know why."

     He grabbed your hand nervously and desperately. He didn't want you to leave.

     "Let go of me, Peter." You spat.

     He let go of your wrist and quickly said, "wait."

     You stopped and breathed. "What now?"

     "You really think I stood you up to... cheat on you? Is that what you're insinuating?"

     "I didn't say that. You did."

     You walked away, leaving him wondering where he went wrong, or better yet, how he could improve.


     You sat in all your classes from then on with your head down, and your attention focused on the deep abyss of a wall. It was odd, but you couldn't help yourself.

     "____? Have I lost you?"

     You were jolted back into reality by your teacher, Mrs. Weber. She stared at you questionably, until she asked you again if you were following along with her. You nodded your head nonchalantly, but she knew that it was a lie. She knew all along.

     She began speaking again, and instead of staring at a wall, you drifted your attention to the empty desk across the classroom. It was third period, also known as, the second last period of the day. He shouldn't have been absent, but he was.

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