(8) Well I Found A Woman

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Word Count: 2038

AT THE AGE of twenty five, Peter had finally found someone he'd love to spend the rest of his life with. Someone who made him a better person in so many different ways, especially when it came to school. He had graduated university with a degree, and finally felt complete with his degree in hand and his girl by his side. You had been by his side ever since he first began slacking off, back when the two of you were only fifteen. Sophomore year in Midtown was when you befriended him, and watched as your friendship with him began to grow into something much more.

By the twelfth grade, the two of you grew to understand just how in love you truly were, and you acted upon those feelings.

And the day the two of you walked into school, hands locked together, fingers intertwined and a proud smile on your faces, was the day the both of you changed for the better. Somehow being able to finally call him yours, and for him to be able to call you his, made both of you better people. You excelled in school, maintaining a pretty decent GPA, while Peter went on to once again rejoin band, and all the other extra circulars he had quit when he wanted to devote all of his time to being Spider-Man.

And so at the age of twenty five, eight years into your relationship he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you. To grow old with you, sitting in those rocking chairs in front of a burning fireplace as your grandchildren fooled around behind your chairs. But the two of you wouldn't notice them tackling each other like cousins and siblings do, because you'd be so caught up in all the love that never faded one bit. In fact only grew stronger.

So at twenty five, you were off at work, while Peter was off at "work" too. Of course he never wanted to give up being Spider-Man, because as much as he wanted to start a family and spend every moment of forever with you, the city needed him. And to promise a safe future for your children, he needed to protect the place his children would grow up in as long as possible.

So when he swung around the city, looking out for anything suspicious, he heard a faint scream. Losing his mind with confusion, he swung even faster on the look out for where that scream had come from. One more scream came his way, and his stomach dropped when the tone and voice behind that scream was too familiar for his liking.

"No..." he spoke, his breathing had become erratic as he searched for you. As he passed a sketchy alleyway, he heard you again. Turning his head slightly to the side, he saw you struggling with a man who had an iron clad grip on your purse, and with his free hand he held a knife.

"Give me the purse, lady, and you won't get hurt."

Peters breath became even more erratic, and his heart nearly came out of his chest when your eyes crossed his and a wave of love, safety and a huge tsunami of scared was laced with them. He let his heart take over, and anger fuel his body. He wanted revenge for his girl.

"You wont be needing that," he shot his webs and stole the pocket knife out of the mans hands. "Yoink," he voiced as that pocket knife now rested in his palm. "Won't be needing this now," he tossed it onto a building rooftop nearby.

"Step away from her, and maybe you won't get hurt." Spider voiced out before he let go of the web he was currently hanging from. He slowly approached the man, and you.

"Okay, okay. Fine, I'll go." He attempted to leave in the opposite direction. But Peter's need for revenge at that very moment, possessed him to web the mans feet to the ground beneath him.

"No, not just yet." He approached you slowly, nothing but worry and love filled in his eyes, pleading to tell him that you were okay. "What did you do to her?"

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