(10) She Shares My Dreams (2/2)

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This is based off Shane Koyczan's other poem called Visiting Hours.
As you can probably tell, I absolutely love his poems and I listen to them on repeat and memorize them off by heart. Absolutely beautiful poems.
After this it'll be purely my ideas. I just loved these poems too much not to dedicate chapters to them.
Word Count: 956

     DURING VISITING HOURS, you'd spend your time with Peter. You felt as thought it was your punishment for not being by his side, or making sure he never hurt himself.

     Everyday would start the same way, he'd ask how you doing and you'd say "I'm doing alright." Then he'd said "I'm doing just fine," point in fact his x-rays came back. The accident had broken almost all of the bones in his body. And you imagine that however bones felt from being broken, that in this situation they weren't feeling so happy.

     He laughed.

     And you know what he said? He was glad that they were broken. He said, "half the time the only reason I never saw you was because of these legs and arms. Casting me away to fight crime while I left you at home, waiting for me to come home with scratches and bruises."

     For you, it was all about visiting hours.

     You hadn't seen him in about two days. He was always busy with appointments with the therapist, surgeon and all the other doctors the accident caused him to have to deal with.

     He put his casted hands onto his casted legs and said, "if you really want to get scared, watch the news." It's a steeplechase.

     Everyday thousands of people go under thousands of knives. But it's still more cost effective for doctors to pay off law suits, than it is to save lives.

     It wasn't a deathbed. At least, not for Peter. He fought hard.

     He'd say, "I wasn't going to give up in that coma. I'm not just going to lay here and take it, because life is as elusive as getting a good kiss from my ex." He'd finish off with a chuckle. But then continue, "so sometimes you've just got to fake that you like it. So, listen here, if anyone ever tells you that you're not good or smart enough, as I'm lying in this bed not able to protect you, tell them to wear a diaper on their mouth because they're just talking shit."

     All because you shared the same dreams.

      You wanted to move away, to a nice city where crime was unknown. Leave all of that behind in Queens. He hated to think of leaving Spider-Man behind, no one protecting Queens, but you let him rest assured that soon enough a kid just like him would come along and be their hero. They wouldn't be left alone.

     He would want to get married, start a family, move his Aunt May with them as well. Have his children call granny, and call him Papa. He always like the name Papa.

     He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, so he fought hard during that coma, and he fought hard enough he managed to escape it. Since then, he wanted you to also rest assure that your dream together was still very much on and quickly approaching. He didn't want you to listen to anyone that thought your dream life together was stupid.

     He said, "don't pray for me yet." Because he wasn't done fighting for the dream life he wanted with you.

     Love was a feeling that in you and through you, you've often called God. So you'll love Peter.

     He looked at you straight in the heart and said, "it's a shame that they don't make hospital beds for two. And ___, we've got our own shit to do. So I can't just sit here, while we're supposed to be out there building our future together right now."

     "Now bring me that goddamn jello sitting on the tray beside you." You chuckled together.

     He liked jello.

     During visiting hours, you would read the plans to Peter of your future.

     You had saved up enough money, to cover Peter's hospital bill and to cover the renovation of the home you'd grow old together in. He had you and Aunt May, but mostly you. She had been his only caretaker for years, but now it was your turn.

     "This is about our future together," you'd tell him. "This isn't about death. I knew you weren't going to die."

     He told you, "I can still remember moments in my coma, when I'd hear you tell me not to give up. That you hadn't given up on me yet. That May hadn't given up on me yet. It fueled me not to give up either."

     You live in a world so blind, that you can't find each other. But you veered through every obstacle, and you found one another. You deserved the future you always had planned. And soon enough, you'd start living it.

     Some were meant to stand alone.

     But you're not. Some people can love, and some look like jokes. Not funny. It's just the way they keep falling for each other.

     Yeah, some people are going to get cancer.

     And some people are going to fall in their showers. But until then you got enough time to shine.

     Because all the time you've got right then, in that very moment, is just visiting hours.

     And soon enough, those visiting hours would turn into your future you'd spend together for the rest of your lives, because you were meant to be and meant to conquer through every obstacle. And this obstacle stood no chance against your love. Against your dreams together.

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