22- No Regrets

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Word Count: 2346
Warning: Mentions of Night Terrors


You dialled your best friends number. You were freaking out.

Your nightmares were drastically getting worse, and tonight they were indescribably terrifying. You had waken up, tears had stained your face, your bed drench in sweat.

You had been dreaming of losing everyone. It was a weird nightmare you always seemed it have. It was on reply, over and over. It was a reoccurring night terror, that you couldn't escape. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't push away the terrible thoughts and dreams of losing everyone you loved. Just thinking about the dreams you had before, make your body shiver. It was truly disgusting, and frightening.

"___? Why are you up so early?" You heard him. You heard the voice you desperately needed to hear.

Peter Benjamin Parker. Your best friend.

He also just happened to be the main character in most of your night terrors, although you refused to ever talk to him about the terrors you endured during the night. But tonight was different. Tonight, you needed to talk. You needed to talk things out, and get help. You simply did not want to alert your parents about things, or they'd throw you into a hospital and say you're mentally ill. They were so overprotective, you'd never hear the end of things if you ever told them. So you didn't.

Tonight, you were to tell Peter what had happened. What happened in the dream, and how long these have been happening. How many including Peter. How drastic did they ever get?

"I need to talk to you," you sighed. You simply dreaded telling him, but in order to solve these terrors, you needed to tell him. You had to keep telling yourself that you were making the right decision.

"What's wrong?" He sounded worried. You could hear rustling in the background.

"Want me to come over? I'll come through your window, just like old times." The background sounds now made sense. They replayed in your head, now acknowledging it was probably him getting out of bed.

"If you wouldn't min?" You asked. It would be much better to talk things out in person. To be comforted, in person. Because actions speak louder than words, and you needed to see him.

"Yeah, I'm on my way over, I won't be long." He spoke quietly as he snuck out of the Parker residence.

Peter Parker hadn't snuck out much, not after the incident. Not after the night Benjamin Parker had gone out to find his nephew. Only to find a robbery in action, and a man who didn't show mercy. A man who took a life, like it meant nothing. All whilst Peter watched from the sidelines, rushing over after the man had gotten Benjamin out of his way. It was a sad goodbye for Peter. His uncle, his father figure, bleeding out in his arms.

It didn't take Peter too long to make his way over to his your house.

He had been asking himself "what's wrong with ___?"

And other things like, "how could I not tell something was wrong? I'm her best friend, she shouldn't have to tell me something's wrong."

He felt as though he had failed you. He had failed one thing a best friend should be able to do, and that was being able to tell something was wrong and instantly being able to make things right.

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