(28) That Quintessential Teenage Flickering (3/3)

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Just in case y'all were wondering again and maybe you had a bit of baby fever, here's my niece. She'll be 8 months old on the 27th of February. She is dragging herself around like crazy, but not exactly crawling yet... she's getting there though. She's eaten baby food, baby cookies and spaghetti. She loves her blueberry raspberry mix baby food though. She also loves her swimming lessons. She has two teeth that have come through (her two bottom front). She can hold herself up when she sits. She also doesn't let us change her without her trying to crawl away. It takes two people sometimes to get her to calm down. She loves ripping my glasses off and putting her finger prints all over them. She screams at the top of her lungs when she's excited. Her ticklish spot is her arm pits. Her smile is infectious. She's also a big Toronto Maple Leafs fan like her parents and she's an even bigger Green Bay Packers fan. She's my everything.

 She's my everything

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~~~~~~~Btw it's been a while since I wrote the last two parts so idk what I was basing this off of so it's gonna be based off of a random event that isn't even in the marvel timeline lmfao the plot wasn't even adding up

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Btw it's been a while since I wrote the last two parts so idk what I was basing this off of so it's gonna be based off of a random event that isn't even in the marvel timeline lmfao the plot wasn't even adding up

YOU ERASED THE last sentence on your screen, sighing. You were finding it so difficult to compose the email that best fit what you were feeling. The heartbreak from not hearing from him in a week. It worried you and Aunt May. He promised he wouldn't go more than a few days at most without staying in touch and he wasn't one to bail on his promises. He always went through with them.

You just assumed he was caught up in something and couldn't find enough time to write back. You'd emailed him numerous times since his last email and yet he could get back to a single one. Each time an email wasn't replied to, your heart cracked and broke a little more.

You felt it at the bottom of your stomach. That odd pinching feeling that was also hitting your heart. You must've knew something was wrong. So you picked up your phone and dialled a number that Peter told you was for emergencies. He described the emergencies as if something might've happened at home or if no one can find Peter.

"Hey, kid. Sorry, but this is really bad timing." Tony spoke into the phone.

You sighed, "where's Peter? She hasn't replied in a week. We're worried."

You could hear ruffling in the back and a staticky noise on the call but you refrained from bringing it up in case he hung up. "I just need to know. Be honest with me."

"It's rough here, kid. But Peter is okay. I'll always make sure of that." He promised you but it did nothing to heal the aching pain in your heart. It didn't soothe away the worry.

You sniffled, holding back the tears. "Can I just talk to him quickly? I need to hear his voice."

The phone was passed along and you could hear people talking in the background. You couldn't decipher who was speaking but you heard, "it's ____."

"_____?" His voice immediately settled all of your worries. "It's me. I'm alright."

The tears fell anyway. "Why haven't you answered me? We were worried sick."

"I've tried but I can't finish the email. I'll send it as soon as I can." He spoke softly. "Hey, don't cry."

"I just miss you. We all do." I sniffled. "It's almost our one year anniversary."

"I know, baby. I'll be there, I promise. I miss you so much and I can't go much longer without you. Trust me when I say that I'm coming back to you."

It felt like an empty promise but you told yourself to be optimistic. But you knew that Peter loved being Spider-Man the most. Besides Aunt May, the one thing he loved more than you was being Spider-Man and you couldn't be so selfish to ask him to throw that away. He was Spider-Man before he was yours.

"You better. I'm waiting for you."

He laughed, "I'll be there as soon as possible. I love you."

"I love you too, Peter."

A day later he sent the email that you'd been waiting a week for. In the email he said he was coming home. To you. And he wouldn't be going back because all he wanted was to be a neighbourhood Spider-Man.

And to be yours forever.


Authors Note

This is kind of like an end to the Imagines. I don't know if I'll ever come back to do another one. I'm in eleventh grade, I have things to do. I need to focus more in school. I need to figure out what I want to do in the future. I have big decisions to make. I will be continuing the other stories I have though. Most of them are drafts but hopefully I can find the motivation again to continue them again. I've been getting counselling for my depression and social anxiety so hopefully I'll be able to find that motivation through my counselling. Maybe it'll help me come back to these. But thank you guys for... what?..... fifty thousand reads? I'm not sure. But no matter how many reads and votes and comments, thank you all immensely for the support. Even if you supported silently. Thank you

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