(18) I Know We'll Be Alright This Time (3/3)

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Word Count: 1085

A MONTH PASSED by easily. Each day that had passed was easier than the one before, thankfully. Peter had begun training more often with Mr. Stark, so time for dates or just casual hanging out became scarce. You rarely hung out after school, and when you did it was usually cut short when he'd hear sirens.

Those stupid sirens, you always thought.

As of right now, you'd been dating for a month. Exactly a month on this day, and what you feared the most was being forgotten on this special day by Peter. He was so busy, all of his time was taken up by his Spider duties. He expected you to understand, and for the longest time you did, but recently things had changed.

You felt alone while he was training, or after he had to leave you to flee to a crime scene.

He'd apologize profusely afterwards and he'd attempt to make up for lost time, but things were never as good as they should've been. You felt as though you were now carrying the relationship.

"____? I'm back." He snuck in through your window, tip toeing over to your bedside. "Sorry I took so long. Mr. Stark had me doing really intense training today and it ran overtime."

Silence was what he heard. Fear surged through him. "____? You there?"

The last thing Peter ever wanted again was for history for repeat itself. He already went though having to give you up just to save you, and he didn't want to have to go through that again. More importantly, he didn't want to be too late. Being with him was risky, you knew that and so did he. So people would be out to get you, as you're his weakness. So when the day comes again when one tries to endanger you, he fears that he won't be as quick as last time and they'll finally get you.

He shivered at the thought of someone doing such a thing.

You hummed in response. Your eyes fully adjusted to the darkness; his figure was stood still by your nightstand.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

Not only did your stomach feel odd, but your eyes began to tear. "Nothing."

"I know something's wrong. Talk to me." He sat down on the bed, his legs hanging off the side. "I'm here for you."

"You're never here, that's the thing."

Caught off guard, he didn't know how the answer.

He worked so hard this past month solely to keep the love of his life safe, and here she was saying he was never there. It made sense to him. He never was, but it was surely for good reasons. He was doing it for her; to ensure her safety. He always hoped and prayed that she'd understand without him having to recite why he does what he does, but she didn't anymore.

So, with one deep breath, he began.

"____. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm so in love with you, and so worried for you at the same time. I'm sorry that I can't take you out in a date without worrying someone will want to take you away from me. The memory of what almost happened still haunts me, and I'm terrified that on say it'll happen again. It's inevitable because I'm Spider-Man, and you're my girl. Even if I disappear as Spider-Man, I'll still be known to some as the kid hiding behind the mask. People know who I am, and when they see me they'll still want revenge."

He paused, "are you ok if I continue? I'm sorry it's taking me long but I need to say everything." You nodded your head, now looking at him and him looking at you.

"They'll want revenge, so they'll look for my weakness. You're my greatest weakness, so they'll always go for you. It kills me knowing that out there, somewhere, someone is willing to take you just to hurt me. So, to prevent that, I've been training more. It's quite stupid now that I think about it. I've been leaving you alone to train, but during that time you could've easily been taken. I just don't want to mess up, but I already have. I just never noticed because I've been too occupied with training to ensure your safety. I'm too focused on being your bodyguard rather than being your boyfriend. I understand, and I'm sorry."

Tears ran down your cheeks, sniffles coming from your nose. Peter changed in your bathroom once he noticed the silence. He kept spare clothes in your room for nights like this and once he finished he was at your bed, climbing in with you. "Is this okay?"

You hummed, "mhm."

The both of you stayed stiff, staring at the ceiling in silence.

"I'm sorry, ____."

You shook your head, "it's fine, Peter."

He leaned on his elbow, looking down at you. "No it's not, ____. I've literally ditched you so much this past month, and I haven't even noticed how much it's hurting you."

"Peter... it's fine now."

"It'll never happen again. I'm done with training; I'm good enough."

You didn't move, nor did you say a single word.

Peter turned back onto his back, and pulled you into his side. You willingly snuggled in closer to him and embraced him as tight as comfortably possible. You basked in his scent, reminiscing in the smell of cologne you gave him long ago. Smiling against his chest, you relaxed.

"I've messed up a lot in the past, but this time it'll be different, I swear to you."

You looked up, and kissed him. Pulling away slowly, you smiled. "We'll be alright this time.

With that said, he kissed you once more, putting all his emotions into once kiss. It was passionate, meaningful and emotional. You could sense the amount of emotions he put into such a simple kiss, and it warmed you. You felt your stomach tingle, and your heart beat faster. The love you held for the boy beside you was growing after each second, after each quick heartbeat and after every kiss.

"I love you so much, Peter."

He kissed your forehead, pulling back a moment later and looking towards the ceiling with a large smile playing out upon his lips. "I love you so much more, ____. Don't ever forget that."

And you swore, that day—that night— that you wouldn't even forget it. No matter what the two of you went through, you remembered he'd always love you.

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