(2) With You Between My Arms

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I am going through and thoroughly editing every imagine so be ready for the spam.

Words: 1780

SNOW FINALLY ARRIVED just in time for Christmas. You enjoyed an intense snowfall, snow sticking to the ground and enabling you to throw yourself into piles of it later on, and snowballs to destroy your friends with.

You always won the snowball fights.

     It was your eighteenth birthday not too long ago, and you were as happy as you could be. It was astonishing noticing that just the thought of leaving high school, made you incredibly happy. The thought of growing up and falling in love, while raising children to become great people always excited you. You looked forward of what was to come, but even though you were happy, you were always completely terrified about your future. It was just added stress thinking about your future.

High School was stressful, and you had enough of it already and you were so ready to graduate. Just a few more months, and you'd be out of there, exploring the world, living the single life in the best way possible. You stayed single because falling in love would ruin all your plans of waiting till the best age possible. You planned on travelling the world, and really being able to get out and enjoy life. Just to really celebrate it all.

Sure, you had always imagined falling in love with that perfect guy, who would treat you like you were the only thing that had ever mattered to him. But guys like that simply don't exist. They're only in ones imaginations and dreams. The cold and harsh reality was that guys now-a-days didn't show any respect and had zero manners. At least in your high school that's all you had noticed in all the guys. They surely weren't gentlemen, and you seriously wondered what everyone saw in them.

Saying all guys at your school had no manners, and no respect was a slight stretch. And by slight stretch, it means a few-people off, type of stretch. There was always a few guys that stood out, but you never spoke to them because they always either kept to themselves or spoke with other guys just like themselves. So that makes a few, unnoticed nice guys, that were always pushed aside and never given the chance. Sure, you always thought about getting to know them, but your mind told you to ignore whatever your heart was screaming at you to do, or say.

     You ignored the incredibly strong pounds you felt your heart making whenever you'd see one certain guy.

Peter Parker. The boy that inched his way into your mind without even knowing he'd done so.

You learned to ignored the weird feeling that erupted in your stomach whenever he'd answer the Spanish teacher. Whatever he did, you ignored because somehow, his actions always found a way to get to you. Whether that be getting to your head and your thoughts, or to you heart and your feelings. You didn't even know a single thing about him. yet you somehow felt so attracted towards him.

     That's another lie. You knew some stuff about him. You knew he quit band practice, that he worked for the Tony Stark, and how he never really fully dedicated his time to the academic decathlon team. He had this one friend, who was another nice guy who always went unnoticed, especially since he was shy, just like the guy you couldn't seem to stop thinking about.

     The boy was picked on quite a lot, and he never really fit in. He loved star-wars, and he loved building huge creations out of lego, specifically the Death Star he never stopped obsessing over with his friend. He also dumpster dove for old electronics. The most important thing you knew was the harsh reality of his parents, along with the newly added part that included his uncle. That he only had his Aunt May left.

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