24- Sometimes Its Better To Stay Away

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Word Count: 4652
Warning: Angst, Arguing, nothing much basically



peterparker2013: I have no clue what I'm doing @nedleeds96

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peterparker2013: I have no clue what I'm doing @nedleeds96

15 likes 6 comments

nedleeds96: you're doing great so far.

nedleeds96: and don't forget you're supposed to finish the Death Star with me today.

peterparker2013: @nedleeds96 ya I know man.

nedleeds: don't bail on me again.

eugenethompson: Penis Parkerrrrrr, hey pal.

yourusername: Peter Parker gets instagram? This is truly a rare occurrence.


IT WAS YOU. You, out of all girls in Midtown, commented on Peters instagram. You didn't know he had an instagram. Not until Flash decided to follow him. And of course embarrass him a little in his comment section. But what's Flash without a little tormenting?

For the longest time you had a crush on Peter. It wasn't just a small crush either. It was the type of crush that has you itching for attention from him, but you were too anxious to ever commit a scene to completely catch his full, undivided attention in which would have him know about the crush and act out with the knowledge of it.

You two were friends. Almost best friends. The two of you did everything together. You'd help each other cope when you felt as thought there was no way you'd ever feel happy again.

But now, you hadn't spoken a single word to one another in a significant amount of months. The silence, without a doubt, smothered the both of you with gloominess.

You went from raising your hand to let the professor acknowledge the appearance that you understood his lesson, and that you were able to solve it, to hardly ever raising your hand.

The exact same with Peter.

But you also noticed a change in him. Not just that he rarely made an effort to participate in class, but he changed much more that that. He was no longer a scrawny kid, but he was one of the most muscular fifteen year olds you had ever seen. He never tried in physical education class, but he always got the top score on everything. He never would be panting by the end of the twelve minute run. He'd be energetic, completely full of it. He also bailed. Bailed on school, friends, even study sessions he had with the, let's just say, not-so-smart population of your school.

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