23- It's A Promise

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This story is actually semi-true. The ending is the true story part, as it actually happened to my sister and her husband. It was a total fail but it was so cute how it was planned, so I decided to write about it :)
Word Count: 3818


YOU WERE IN love. Head over heals, irrevocably in love. You had loved your boyfriend ever since ninth grade, the start of high school. Although he hadn't been your boyfriend all those years, so you simply loved from the sidelines. From behind a mask. And in ninth grade, all the way through to twelfth grade, you two were nothing more than best friends. All it took was a simple bump into one another, a forced lab partnership, him to ask for your phone number for the project, and the two of you became friends. Things slowly built up from there.

Then came tenth grade. The two of you stayed in touch, although you had many classes together anyways. You still seemed to be head over heels in love with him, but he just seemed interested in this friendship. But of course, he was always so damn busy. He'd bail on your study sessions whether they were arranged to happen in the library, his place, or yours. He bailed on your plans to hang out, resulting in you hanging out with his other friend Ned all the time. The two of you grew closer and soon enough it was a trio friendship.

And sure, Peter had all of a sudden become busy, but you never dared to ask him why.

He had lost his uncle not too long before, so you just wanted to assume that he forced himself to be busy to forget about the night his life turned for the worst. That the person he loved most, was murdered in cold blood.

Then came eleventh grade. Things seemed to change. He stopped bailing on you, but you always wanted to ask him why he did the year before. You had drifted apart last year, which made you seem like more of a loser. You had no other friends, except for Ned Leeds. He of course played it off like he knew nothing about Peter ditching, but he wasn't ever a good liar.

But in eleventh grade, he seemed to act differently around you. He would ask for you to accompany him to restaurants with his aunt may. It seemed odd but you just went with it. You were best friends, and he chose introduced his best friend to the most important woman in his life. His aunt may. You stuck with that, and it made you fall for him even more. You imagined all the time how caring he surely is with his aunt. How caring he surely was with his uncle, too.

You wondered if he liked you back, but you kept shooting down those thoughts. You never gave it a shot to just either admit your feelings that you had been feeling ever since ninth grade, or to ask him if he felt those same feelings. You were too shy, and scared of rejection. So you stayed quiet, also waiting for the shy boy to make that first move.

Although nothing happened.

Then came twelfth grade, where you started drowning in stress and anxiety. This was the year you determined the fate of your future. Whether you wanted to work in a fast food restaurant for the rest of your life, or if you wanted to do something with your life and become successful. You had to focus on school, you had to maintain your high GPA.

But you also managed to make time for your best, and only friend. Peter Parker.

He too was completely drowning in stress and anxiety. He was also completely focused on school, attempting to maintain a high GPA. You promised you'd help one another out to maintain that GPA you both dreamed for.

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