(17) Fighting Against All Odds (2/3)

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Word Count: 1177

     THE ODDS OF getting what you want in life when you want it are slim. Very slim. In this case, you wanted Peter back. You just wanted all of his quirks. His laugh, his cute curly hair, his innocent smile, his adorable pun shirts, and overall him in general. You missed everything about him.

He did too. He missed everything about you. Your smile, your hair and how it felt when he ran his fingers through it when you binge watched movies like Star Wars together. He missed having your bone crushing hugs that always made him instantly feel better. He missed your incredible ability to just make people forget about all their problems and just focus on the good. He missed having you around him because you made him a better person, and he liked that about you. You always either saw the good in people, or you were able to find the good in people you first saw as bad.

It was a talent.

Today, in school, you sat isolated from everyone else in science. Yesterday, you did that as well. So when your teacher noticed, and since he was not big on the whole being excluded thing, he set you in one of the groups. Betty, Ned, Peter and Flash. You cursed silently to yourself.

Peter couldn't keep his eyes off of you, Ned couldn't help but frown the entire time, Flash shot accusing glances at both Peter and you, whilst Betty couldn't help but work, pay attention and answer all the questions without any interruption.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, you asked to go to the washroom. Granted access, you made a bee line out of the classroom and down the hall without getting bombarded or followed. You stayed in the stall for a record of five minutes because you deemed it necessary to get out. Once out, you were greeted by the one person you wanted to see but at the same time didn't.

"Hey, ____. Can we talk?"

You laughed, a stinging pain stabbing at your chest. "Last time you said that we ended up not being friends anymore."

Guilt was plastered all about his face and he didn't speak. "Listen, Peter, I don't want to hear an apology."

"No, ____. You don't know the full story."

"I don't?"

He shook his head.

"Okay, although I don't know the story, why do you think I'd care anyways? You hurt me."

He winced, visibly hurt. "I had reasons. You know the stuff I do, and even though we tried so hard not to involve you in anyway possible, you somehow were. I saw our only chance at keeping you safe during that period and I took that chance. It hurt me that day, saying those things to you, but it was the only way to get you to leave. A guy from jail came back, pulled me out of decathlon practice, and told me he'd get me. He said he'd get you too. I didn't have my webs or my suit with me so I did nothing. That day was the day before I talked to you."

You stayed silent. "I understand if you still don't want to be my friend, ____. It's probably safer for you too, and probably just better in general. I mean, I am a loser, a nerd and everything else, and you're going to be judged for hanging out with me so I totally get it if you don't want that-"

     "Peter, be quiet. I understand."

     "–because I, myself, would probably- wait. What? You do?"


     His cheeks flushed, "also, I didn't want to mess up our friendship. But that kind of failed."

      Slickly confused, you asked, "what do you mean?"

     "I like you, ____. I was scared that I'd say something and ruin our friendship that we worked so hard on. I mess things up a lot and I'd be destined to mess something up if we dated and I don't want to hurt you."

     You laughed, and he thought, "oh my god, that laugh."

     "That's the risk about relationships, Parker. There's always a risk, no matter how you started out before the relationship. Sometimes you've just got to go for it."

     He flashed his own cute smile, one your missed so dearly.

     "We better get back." You agreed.

     You walked back into class, with him waiting an extra two minutes to not seem suspicious.


     THINGS THAT WEEK got slightly better. You were on talking terms again, but things weren't as strong anymore. Well, you wouldn't necessarily put it as strong, rather smooth. Ever since you had knowledge of his feelings, things felt different.

     He was working harder on gaining your trust once more, and he was doing everything in his powers to help you feel safe once again. He'd do anything to protect you. Literally anything.

     He shook you lightly, and you woke up from your nap. "Sorry, must've fell asleep. Your shoulder is kind of comfy."

     "Yeah, May tells me that a lot."

     Ah, May. You missed May. She must've known something was up, you were always at his house every day after school to do homework, spider duties, or just to watch a movie.

     "Hey, ____?"

     You looked up at him. "Yeah?"

     "Okay so I get it if you say no, even though that'd suck because I'm already looking forward to this," he rushed out, barely having any breath left by the end of it. "Would you want to go on a movie day with me sometime this week?"

     Although you had known of his attraction for you, you had forgotten. Things had gone back to normal and it's almost like you had forgotten everything that ever happened after that day.

     "Uh, sure. Yeah, of course."

     His smile was ginormous, growing rapidly across his face. "Thanks."

     Before you left that night, you kissed him on the cheek. Blushing, he told you he'd walk you down to your moms car. That, he did. When you reached the lobby, he wasn't ready to let you go. He went in for a hug, but you had another idea. Catching him off guard, you grabbed his face and pulled him on for a kiss. Not knowing how to react, he stayed stiff. Moments later, his lips were moving gently against yours. He pulled away a moment later, a smile evidently spreading upon his face.

     "Goodnight, ____." His voice was deep, tired almost.

     You smiled back at him, still in a blissful awe. "Goodnight, Parker."

     That night, he called. You fell asleep on call, and woke up to a dead phone. Later that day, you called him and asked to reschedule the date for that day. You couldn't wait any longer for the boy you had grown up with.

     This time, no one was in your way, no one was jeopardized and everything was just fine. You could finally express yourselves without interruption. Peter had fought against the prisoner, and you fought against a broken heart. Although the odds were stacked against you, you fought against them all and you won. You won.

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