(27) It Was A Midsummer Nights Eve

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Word Count: 1296

     SUMMERS WITH PETER were the best ones you ever knew of. There was nothing better than having someone to throw you into the water unexpectedly, or to cuddle you in the night when it's too cold at the cottage, to hold you when you're trying to rope swing off a tree into the lake, to go kayaking with down the stream with you, to get lost in the woods with (always finding your way back, though), or to go on walks with through the small town nearby. He did it all.

     He tried to make the summer worthwhile, him usually being in a break throughout the summer because Mr. Stark told him it was his time to relax. No school, projects or field trips that he had to stress over. He needed to be stress free for once and so he was docked a vacation. Peter wasn't fully ecstatic at first. 

     Today, two days into being at your sisters cottage, he felt himself relaxing and beginning to enjoy his surroundings. He fully accepted that Queens would be alright without him for a little while and that he needed to attend to his own Queen. Cliché, isn't it?

     You didn't care. The pet names he had given you did nothing but make you smile and blush immensely, cowering away from attention to divert being noticed at your flushed state. He did this to you.

     He knew that he did, too. But that never stopped him.

     It was nearing dark, the fire in front of you illuminating your surroundings, enough to see your siblings faces, along with your parents, your brother in law, your niece and nephew, along with Peter's face. You felt at ease being with the ones you loved so dearly. Your nephew sat on your lap, and your niece off to your side. You fully relished in the moment and smiled.

     You felt Peter grabbed you hand, off to the other side. Looking over to him, you smiled once more.

     Today had been a good day. One of the best you'd ever had in a long time. It wasn't filled with anxiety, stress, problems, worries or thoughts of missing anyone. Everyone was together again and things were nice for once. You spent the day with your niece and nephew, along with Peter, always by your side, helping out. You sat in the kayak with your niece, while Peter did the same with your nephew. Your heart fluttered at the sight.

     They absolutely adored him, just like you did. Your brother in law did as well, immediately making you melt. Your brother in law was like a second father figure to you. You only being seven at the time he walked into your life, he did everything he could to protect you ever since then. Now, at seventeen, him at thirty two, things were still the same. Peter bonded with him, along with your dad as well. The three of them bonding over fishing and riding on the ATV's/four wheelers made a smile creep upon your face.

     Your mom and him were adorable. He treated her like May, and it never failed to make you happy. He was like that with everyone that meant so much to you.

     The day was spent like that, with rope swinging a little down the stream at a huge tree with a pre-tied swing already at the top, swimming in the lake behind the cottage, washing your hair the fresh lake water, paddle boarding, riding ATV's, and then finally making s'mores around the campfire. Everyone gathered around and mosquitoes never leaving you alone. That was the life.

     Peter was still holding your hand, even through all the daydreaming you had done. Your nephew must've been bored though without your knee bouncing, because he was all the way across the campfire on his mothers lap. Your niece still sat to your side, but munching down on a s'more.

     Peters phone rang, and he excused himself quietly. You decided not to follow at first, but when five minutes passed you went inside to look for him. It didn't take long to find him in your room, packing his clothes frantically. "Peter?" You asked innocently.

     He looked up, like a dear in headlights. Caught in the act. Guilty.

     "What're you doing? We still have two weeks left."

     He put his head down and stopped packing, walking towards you slowly. "I'm sorry, baby. I've... I've got to go. They need me. I d-"

     You cut him off by walking back to the campfire, letting him leave, you thought.

     Your niece now sat on your lap, and he came out a second later. His suitcase in his hand and an excuse ready to roll off of his tongue. "Hey, guys, I'm terribly sorry but my aunt May is really sick and she's in the hospital right now so I need to see her. My boss sent a car to pick me up a couple hours ago so he should be here anytime soon."

     My dad and brother in law sat quietly, disappointed. But still worried.

     My sister spoke first, "well, I hope your aunt gets better soon and tell her I wish her luck on her recovery." I could feel the guilt ripping me apart knowing that it was a big lie. The entire story.

     "Thank you, I'll be sure to let her know."

     My dad spoke up next, "well, kid, I wish your aunt luck. But, if all things go well you can certainly can back down if two weeks aren't over. Just text ___ to make sure and you can come right back up. You can bring your aunt if you want, too."

     Peter smiled, "thanks, I'll let her know about that to see what she says."

     The car pulled up and Peter gave you a knowing look. You got up and walked with him to the car. His hand never left yours after you entangled them together moments ago. His tight grip also never deteriorated. It was a sign that he didn't want to leave you just yet, or ever for that matter. Even once your reaching the car, he froze.

     "Peter. You have to go."

     You released his hand and cupped his face. You brought your lips to his for a second and then looked at him. "You can always come back if you have time to. You're always welcome back whenever you want."

     "I love you, ____." He spoke quietly. It must've been a big issue. He didn't want to look you in the eyes, scared he might break.

     You kissed him once more. "I love you too, Peter. Never forget that. Now go, or you'll be late." He chuckled softly. You let go of him and he dumped his bags in the trunk, before slipping into the back seat.

     He looked at you sweetly, adoringly and happily. But a tinge of worried appeared upon his face, then yours. "I'll be home soon, I promise you that. I'll come back to you before you even know it. I promise you that as well. I love you so much." Then the door closed automatically, and the car drove away with your love, hero, boyfriend, and your everything in the back seat. He was headed off for war, and you knew it. Anything he went off to was war for him, for you, and for all Avengers. The real battle wasn't just what happened while he was off, but it was also when he came home. It was a battle to adjust to what he was now scared of or sensitive to.

     But you would always love him, and he would always love you. And you knew that as he was headed off to war on that midsummer night's eve.

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