Chapter 4

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//Peetas pov//
I rush over to Katniss ignoring the gun fire and screaming her name. I finally get to her, she lays on her side laying in a small pool of blood.  Jackson calls off at everyone shooting, I scoop her up running to the hovercraft.

"You'll be okay Katniss," I say almost out of breath. "Everything's going to be all right. I'm here with you, I'll never leave you."

She nods trying to ignore the pain in her side. I kick open the hovercraft.

"Fly back to 13. Now!" I yell at the pilot.

"What why? Where is the squad?!" He asks not bothering to turn the hovercraft on.

"Katniss she is shot go!" I yell at him laying her down on a bench.

He turns the hovercraft on and calls 13, to send another. I sit on the floor next to her as a single tear drips down her cheek.

"Peeta." She chokes out.
"I'm here," I say shaking, I can't loose her now, I can't loose her ever.

"Will you stay with me?" She asks.

"Always," I say recalling when she first asked this question to me. I grab her hand and kiss it, wishing I could take her pain away.

Soon we land in 13 and I genteelly scoop her up again as soon as the door, flies open. I run to the hospital and they rip her away from me. I follow them behind doors, and halls, when finally they shut one in my face and put her to sleep.

They start stripping off her clothing, throwing it to the ground. A nurse comes over to the door and pulls down a pair of blinds. I stand and wait outside the door, for at least a hour till the doctors and nurses flood out.

"Can I go see her?" I ask on the verge of crying.

"Yes," One man answers and holds open the door for me. I run inside and stop in my tracks, her abdomen lays in a bandage, with a sports bra clean underneath.

Her black paints remain on her along with her boots. I walk over and sit next to the bed, studying her features. Her long eye lashes. Her arched eyebrows. Kissable lips.

I grab her hand like I did in the hovercraft, rubbing them very slightly.

I hear footsteps behind me and figure it's a nurse and remain my focus on Katniss.
"Peeta," Someone says from behind me. I turn to see Gale, who has a sorrow look on his face. "I'm so sorry."

I turn back and look at Katniss.
He could have killed her.
"I'm really, really sorry." He says stepping closer to me and her.

//Katniss's pov//
"You could have killed her!" Peeta cried out, I keep my eyes shut and back track on what happened.

"It was a accident!" Gale says.
"You can't kill someone on accident," Peeta calmly says taking my hand.

"You put everyone there in danger, and nearly killed her, you knew what you were doing wasn't right," Peeta continues. "You did this out of what. Jelaousy?"

"No! I just, I don't know,"

"You could have just accepted my help, you know?" He finishes.

"That's not how it works," Gale says in a tone of anger.
"How what works?!" Peeta asks getting a little angry along with Gale.

I still keep my eyes shut afraid to open them, considering its already bad enough.
"She is just going to choose you! She always does!" Gale confesses.

I can hear Gale leave the room, and Peeta sigh.
"I just want you to be happy." He tells me, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
I am happy as long as I am with you...

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