Chapter 12

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//Peeta's pov//
"Katniss, it's time to wake up." I whisper into her ear. She curls up even closer to me keeping her eyes shut, but I can tell she is awake.

"Come on." I say and softly kiss her. She kisses back and peacefully opens her eyes.

"Do you want to go to work today? I'm sure you could stay here." I say and sit up recalling her episode in the shower, her nightmare, and her getting shot.

"I'm fine," She says and wipes her eyes.
I get up and grab her hands and pull her up slowly knowing she won't get up herself.

She quickly stands up throwing herself to me along with her lips.

We both get dressed helping each other strap different things on to our uniforms. Katniss's bandage lays protected under many layers of clothing and protection.
I open the door to another cart full of food, covered in pancakes, bacon, and pastries.

I hand Katniss a plate, and make one for me too. We quickly eat it standing up not wanting to waist any time.
"Are you okay? From what happened last night and all."
I ask putting down my plate.

"I guess so. It was just really scary, I thought I lost you." She says her voice slightly depressed.

"I thought I lost you too." I say.

"When?" She asked confused.

"When snow had me."

"SOLDIERS REPORT TO HOVERCRAFT." Mitchell's voice says over the loud speaker.

I grab Katniss's hand and we walk down the hall ways still linked together as Gale approaches us.

//Katniss's pov//

I squeeze Peeta's hand remembering what Gale did to me in my dream.
"Katniss I'm sorry." He says stoping in front of us, blocking our way of walking.
"I don't want to hear it." I say.

"Hear me out Katniss"! He begs.

"No! You could have killed me"! I snap.

"It's Peeta's fault!"Gale says.

"What?" I ask turning to Peeta, he wouldn't.

"I came over and tried to help him, and he hit his gun." Peeta says looking honest.

"Why would you blame that on him! He did nothing to you!" I yell.

"He did everything Katniss, he ruined my chances with you." Gale says quieting down.

"You never had any chances!" I say.

"Well now I do." He finishes, before pulling my hip close to him and kisses me roughly, then walks away.

I stand in my tracks for at least a minute still holding onto Peeta's hand not knowing what to say to him.

"I'm really sorry." I tell him. Not knowing what else to say besides that.
"It's not your fault Katniss. But the next time he does that he is the one who is going to get shot." Peeta smiles.

"Yeah I agree." I smile and continue walking down the hall with him.

We both enter the hovercraft together and are given our weapons. We are taken to district 2, greeted by sounds of bombs in the distance.

"It's just how the loyalists say good morning." One man with brown hair says as he leads us into a building with many people including commander Paylor the mayor of district 2, and coin who appears on a screen.

I tune out of there conversation and stare at the blue projection below. But I don't focus on the plan that they are chatting about, I try to recap my dream. Maybe I'm trying to tell myself something I don't see out in the open.

I search through my dream as if it was a book.
"You okay?" Peeta whispers to me practically waking me up.

I nod my head and reassure him with a smile as Paylor and Coin go at it with a pre exciting Victor, Lyme.

They should at least have a chance to surrender.
Her words go over and over in my head
Why can't I surrender?
I wish, but I need to keep fighting.
Even though I want to stop, The fate of the revolution lays in "my hands".

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