Chapter 1

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I practically screamed with joy when I walked in to my new apartment. I danced around for literally 5 minutes. Finally, I have my own place! Moving away and living alone was the biggest and greatest thing ever for me. Sure, I would miss mom and dad, but I wouldn't miss my hometown in the slightest. I had moved 2 hours away from Norland city; my home town, so trips to see mom and dad would not be that frequent, or else paying for fuel would be what most of my salary was used for! I would try to ring them when I could though, they are really lovely people and are such good parents.

My new job started in 2 weeks, so that gave me enough time to learn my ways around the city and buy everything I would need for my new fresh start. My new job was working in this office building that was about 10 minutes away, for a small company that makes furniture. I'd be working in accountancy, but I was slightly nervous in case I couldn't manage handling most of the money issues that come through to the company. Also, as it was a small company, there would only be me and this elderly woman who would work in accountancy, managing the whole company's money. So I was slightly worried. I was told the woman I would be working with is really lovely and her name is Heather. The job also offered quite a fair amount of money for a young woman like myself.

I've been so excited to move here that I can't believe I'm actually here in Kidston now! Kidston seemed ideal to me, as it was a small, quaint, little city; with a lot to offer. I'd just moved into Quayside Meadows apartments, which had great reviews online and it seemed reasonably safe round here. However, mom and dad really didn't want me to move. But I knew it was the best thing for me.

I must have been unpacking for two hours of something and I'm officially exhausted. I have basic furniture, like: a bed, a couch, a dining table, lamps and stuff, but I really want to buy some furniture of my own liking. Once I've saved up enough money, I will probably get a double bed as mine is only a single and then get a new couch, because this one is at least 10 years old.

I really love my apartment though! As I was walking through the lobby, I noticed quite a lot of the residents were young couples, or young families. The person at the reception office, Alex; who's name I read off his name tag, seems really nice. He told me a little bit about the area and how I will fit in easily. He has really dark brown eyes and swishy brown hair, he was quite attractive, and really funny.

I got in my shitty little car as I decided on going to the supermarket. I already knew where the supermarket was, as I asked Alex earlier on. I'm surprised my car still works, the noises that come out of it, make you wonder if it is just gonna fall off all 4 wheels right then. I seriously needed to buy a new car too.

I pulled up into Walmart and headed in. It was already late, so I quickly navigated my way towards the doors, as you couldn't really see much. It was already November, so the cold weather had started to kick in. I felt a shiver go up my back as I stepped inside to Walmart; which was much warmer than outside, thank god.

I roamed around the isles with my shopping cart, as it began to pile up with my groceries. I knew I was buying way too much for just one 19 year old girl who lives alone, but I was just excited to fill my own cupboards up with my own food. I don't even know why this excites me? I've just always thought about having my own place and being independent since I was little.

I was waiting in the queue quite awhile, considering that it was already night time. When it was finally my turn to proceed to the checkout, I noticed how the cashier looked really attractive. His name tag read Tony and he was decked out in tattoos. He had a cheek piercing and in both of his ears he had huge gauges. He wore a black cap, with the word KEY being spelt out on it. As I could only see parts of his hair at the side, I presumed his hair was black, and his facial hair was also black. This Tony guy also had really dark chocolate brown eyes. I hadn't noticed I'd been gawking at him until he spoke up.

"Urm Miss? You okay?" Tony questioned.

I immediately blinked and nodded my head.

"Yes, sorry for the hold up there" I half laughed, trying to shake off my embarrassment. He laughed along, which then eased my embarrassment. He's laugh was loud and he flashed off his white teeth when laughing.

I began placing my items in my bag as he scanned them through the checkout. I noticed on his fingers, he had STAR WARS written across them. I had never seen Star Wars, but I assumed he was quite the fan if he had it written permanently on his skin.

"So you okay?" Tony spoke, I was slightly surprised at his start in small talk conversation.

"Yes fine thank you, and yourself?" My voice sounded dry and crackled, I really wasn't making a good impression on this guy.

"I'm good thanks, just wondering why a small woman like yourself needs so much food? Haha," he smiled up at me.

"Oh you see, I just moved here and I urm, wanted to stock up I guess? Haha" I replied. Gosh, he was attractive. I don't even know this guy and he is making me so nervous. I don't know what is up with me, I mean I've had a few friends who were guys beforehand, so I don't understand why my hands were suddenly clammy and my speech was stuttered.

"Oh cool! Where've you moved to?"

"Quayside Meadows, just today." He was still scanning my items and I was still bagging them. Thankfully he didn't go too fast scanning the items, or my not so nimble fingers would most likely drop things while trying to rush to bag them.

"Aw, my good friend works there-lovely place. If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" He spoke soft, and reasonably quiet too. I wondered who this 'good friend' was?

"No-not at all. My name is Sky, and I guess your Tony?" I smirked, nodding my hair towards his name tag. He also looked down and smiled back.

"Yeah, good guess," He smirked,

"My friend works at reception, he's called Alex. If you see him round, tell him I'm asking after him and to give me a call sometime please?" He then added. Ah-so his good friend is Alex!

"Urm, yeah sure" I smiled. He scanned the last item and as I was bagging it he spoke up again.

"So Sky, hopefully I'll see you round then?" He said, as he passed me the card machine.

"Well, I would think so, as I will have to come back for my food again, but you've seen how much I bought so that could be awhile then," I replied, laughing slightly, as I put my card in the machine and punched in my pin. He nodded, then replied,

"Well, I'm not sure about you, but I don't want it to be awhile. Do you mind if we exchange numbers?" What!? I was shocked by his reply- I didn't even know him! But, his tempting good looks and charm, so how forced me to get my phone out of my back jean pocket.

"Sure, urm here you go," I passed him my phone and he quickly began to type it in to his phone. I grabbed my card out of the card machine and placed it in my purse.

"I will text you later, then you can just add me to your contacts," He smiled, passing me my phone back and then handing me my receipt.

"Okay, thanks. See you later Tony" I began to pick up my grocery bags and I turned on my heel, my bouncy, black hair swishing around my shoulders.

"Okay, nice meeting you! Bye Sky! Hope I see you soon!" Tony piped up, giving me a wave.

I walked off with a smile.

I placed my grocery bags in my pile of crap car, and jumped in. Jesus it was cold. I began my descent home and couldn't help to wonder about the attractive cashier with the owl tattooed on his neck.

I too hoped to see Tony soon.






I picture Sky as Zoey Deschanel with black hair. Hope you liked this start to Finding Light. Comment and vote please ^.^ x x x

Annabelle x

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